Become Your Ultimate Self
How to Take Immediate Control of Your Financial Destiny and Live Happy
About the Author
I am so passionate about this book because without help the destruction to our lives, our relationships, our health, our children is NOT worth it. Find your dream. Find what gives you happiness. No one else is going to care about your happiness, if you don’t change it, you could be stuck forever. My goal for this book is to make you think that maybe there is a way to get unstuck from the spiral we are in and live a life that we all deserve. Find your passion and purpose and reach for it!
My name is Alana. I am an entrepreneur. I have started several traditional businesses from scratch, one that still runs today. It is a horizontal directional drilling business. The first day we opened our doors we were a quarter million dollars in debt. It was a risk, however, it was one of the best businesses I ran. I sold my 50% shares and decided to work for someone for a short while. I was a site superintendent in residential construction. I loved my job, however, by year five I was wondering where the time had gone. I really didn’t love going to work anymore and I knew it was time to spread my wings and do something for myself again, except, I had bills and people to feed.
I thought it was worth staying at that job and sacrificing myself. Problem was it wasn’t only me I was sacrificing it was my whole family. My marriage ended. I was at burnout and stress overload. My children were a mess and all for a paycheque. That is when I took a stand and gave my notice. I am doing today what I love and I will keep moving forward. I am excited to wake up and I find it a challenge to go to bed.
Follow your heart!
Warning due to Content of This Book:
You may experience overflowing happiness and excitement. If this happens write it in your journal. Then set an intention for yourself that this happiness can happen every single day of your life!
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 – Are You Enjoying Your Job……..6
Chapter 2 – Determining and Developing your Transferable Skills……..8
Chapter 3 – Career Change: Making a Big Decision……..11
Chapter 4 – How to be Happy and Productive Even When You Are Not Working……..13
Chapter 5 – Are You Ready to be Your Own Boss?........15
I want to thank you and congratulate you for downloading the book, “Become Your Ultimate Self How to Take Immediate Control of Your Financial Destiny and Live Happy”.
This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to be successful in life and be the best that you can be.
Some of the things that you will learn in this book include:
- How to have a happy life and learn more about yourself
- How to discover your hidden potential and use it to your advantage
- How to become your own boss
Thanks again for downloading this book. I hope you enjoy it!
Ó Copyright 2014 by Alana Leone - All rights reserved.
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Chapter 1 – Are You Enjoying Your Job
Sometimes, people find it difficult to determine the real condition of their careers. They convince themselves that they are enjoying their job and it is the right path for them. But in reality, they are not really happy with what they are doing. They just do not want to admit it to themselves because they need the job, or they are too afraid to search for a new career.
In order for you to reach the top, it is highly recommended to admit that something may need to be changed with what you are currently doing. Once you learn to accept the reality, it will be easier for you to search for effective ways to solve your problem. This chapter will discuss the different symptoms of a failing career.
When assessing your situation, remember to take it slow and steady. Switching from one career path to the next can be one of the biggest decisions of your life. Just take a nice, deep breath, and analyze your situation carefully while reading this chapter.
1. You feel that you are trapped in a box. If you do not like your current job, you always feel that you are caged in an inescapable box. Every working day always feels so sad and monotonous, making you less motivated to perform well.
2. You do not enjoy what you are currently doing. This is the most common problem that people encounter when their career starts to fall apart. If you are not satisfied with your current working condition, then, you can never be truly successful in life. Keep in mind that everyone has their own preferences in life. It would be very harmful if you pick a profession just because someone became successful in it.
Your chosen career should always match the skills that you have. If you do not want to be frustrated with your life, never force yourself into a career path, even though a lot of people are good at it.
3. You are underperforming. One of the most important factors in determining your career growth is your performance at work. If you are constantly producing stellar results in your job, it will be easier for you to grab the senior positions in your company. So if you notice that your work performance is slipping downhill, or your supervisors are not happy with your output, it means that it is not really the right career for you. And if you feel that you have done everything that you can and you still yield bad results, consider it as a sign from heaven that you need to find other avenues to showcase your talents.
4. You have extremely high levels of stress. The office is always filled with stressful situations. People who enjoy doing their jobs have the ability to handle stress and prevent it from negatively affecting their health and life. If you feel that anxiety is corrupting your physical and mental well-being, it is highly recommended that you research what jobs would fit more with who you are. Take an online quiz of what your personal gifts are and match that to your experiences and desires. Recipe for happiness and success. Remember stress creates sicknesses.
5. Interpersonal issues with office mates or family members. When you are experiencing a burn out from work, two things can happen to you. First, you argue with a lot of people over petty issues. The second situation is that you start to withdraw from your social life, and talk less with your office mates or even your family members.
6. You are not motivated to take care of yourself. Most people who suffer from burnout tend to use unhealthy methods to cope with their stressful situations. This includes excessive drinking, eating junk foods, smoking, or watching too much television in the wee hours of the evening. Sometimes, you do not even care to maintain proper hygiene. Most people who are depressed with their work tend to go to the office without brushing their teeth, or even taking a bath.
7. Your current hobby is job hopping. When you cannot stay put on a particular job for a long period of time, it means that something may be wrong with the situation. When you are in a rut, avoid job hopping. Most employers do not trust people whose resume are filled with a long list of part-time jobs. If you cannot yet find a career that suits your preferences, it is highly recommended that you sit still first and carefully think about what you really wanted to do with your future.
Ask yourself: If money had nothing to do with the current reality what is your dream job? What would you do? Evaluate your decisions thoroughly by writing it on a pros and cons page. Write down all of the positive things that you might get from your decision, as well the hindrances that you might face when pursuing the dream profession. Afterwards think to yourself, is the problem really as big as first thought. There is nothing worse to your happiness than the feeling of being stuck and being somewhere you cannot stand for 8 hours.
My hope is you find clarity in your search and take a leap of faith for your true happiness.
Chapter 2 – Determining and Developing your Transferable Skills
Transferable skills are the abilities that you gained through various work experiences, hobbies, voluntary endeavors, or even interests. They may not be directly relevant to the job that you are currently seeking, but they are still vital to help you reach the pinnacle of success.
The advantage of honing these transferable skills is that you can become more flexible and adaptable to any work environment. If you manage to present this to your employer, there is a big chance that you will be able to get the dream job that you desire.
Why is it Important?
First, stating your capabilities in your resume will help your employers understand you better.
Secondly, knowing your latent abilities will give you the confidence to explore new dimensions in your career. You do not have to be stuck in one profession anymore because you already know your full potential. In addition, it will also help you brand yourself if you want to switch to a new career.
How Can You Acquire It?
Transferable skills can be acquired through your experiences in life. From the moment you were born, you are already collecting essential abilities that will help you be more successful. Acquiring them is easy, as long as you lead an active lifestyle.
How Can You Identify your Transferable Skills?
If you have accumulated a lot of experiences from your previous jobs or extracurricular activities, the idea of identifying your transferable skills can be pretty daunting. However, it is not as difficult as you perceive.
In order to determine these hidden capabilities, all you need to do is to identify your three favorite achievements. These accomplishments do not need to be extremely big or grandiose. They have to be something that you are really proud of. These can also be any activity that you enjoy doing.
Do not just focus on previous work experiences. The main idea here is to unearth all of your strengths and capabilities. You can use your educational background, pastime activities, organizational work, or hobbies to determine all your applicable skills.
If you take a closer look at all of the tasks that you have accomplished, you will discover that you already have most of the qualities that are needed for your new job. You might even realize that you are already capable of being your own boss.
Selling your Transferable Skills
Now that you have identified your strengths, the next step is to convince your future employers that you have the skills and capabilities to be a competent employee and future leader.
The most ideal way to do this is to produce a skill-based resume that will highlight your abilities and describe how each of them can be applied in your line of work.
Aside from providing your employment history, this type of resume will also require you to enumerate ways on how you usually handle difficult situations. Make sure that it is brief yet rich in detail so that your future employers will be motivated to read each entry.
Types of Transferable Skills
The list of available transferable skills can be extremely broad. It can range from writing, public speaking, industrial planning, event management, technical skills, and a whole lot more.
To make it easier to identify, you can group these abilities into 5 main categories:
Soft skills – these are more commonly known as people skills. These are the abilities that will help you establish good rapport with other people, and also communicate with them effectively. This includes coaching capabilities, listening skills, team management, and presentation skills.
Analytical skills – these are your intellectual talents that will help you analyze certain problems and look for creative and feasible solutions to solve them. Examples of analytical skills include research, data collection, creativity, and risk analysis.
Technical skills – these are hands-on knowledge about certain pieces of machinery, or software. Programming skills, Multimedia editing, SQL knowledge, and proficiency in HTML coding all fall under this category.
Organizational skills – this refers to the ability to gather, maintain, or arrange data in a neat and efficient manner. Coordination and resource management skills are part of this category.
Personal skill – this includes the set of abilities that you use in the workplace. Examples of personal skills are loyalty, diligence, and punctuality.
Ask yourself: Sometimes you don’t think about years back and all the relatable skills you may have done in the past. Write a 5 minute (800 word) story on yourself. Get a journal or notepad and begin by smaller stories and brainstorming, then put all your thoughts into one amazing story of your life and focus on your skills. If you had a challenge in your life what strength could you find in yourself during that challenge? Keep on the positive side of all you strengths and what you have overcome.
Chapter 3 - Career Change: Making a Big Decision
The thought of learning additional skills, meeting new office mates, leaving your comfort zone, and facing unknown challenges can be a stressful endeavor. If you are afraid to take a leap of faith, you may be stuck in a job that you never really like.
Making a career change and carving your own path to success can be scary. However, it can also be fun and exciting, too. Just think about it. If you manage to work in a job that you really like, you will be able to unleash your full potential and be the best that you can be. Sure, there will still be stressful moments, but you can now handle them with confidence. In addition, it will also be easier for you to balance your work and personal life.
So, are you now ready to make that ultimate decision that will completely change your life? Read this short guide first to learn more about the right steps to take when making a career change.
1. Learn the ropes of the trade. Never switch careers unless you have adequate knowledge about the new profession that you want to take. Research more about the job before committing yourself to it. This will help you lessen the fear and anxiety that you are feeling. Online articles are good avenues to start your research.
Online writers and bloggers who have been in the profession for many years can provide you with tips and information about what you will expect from the job. Or, you can also interview people who are currently working in the industry. If you have a sturdy backbone of reliable information, it will be easier for you to face any challenges that you might encounter in your new job.
2. Write down your fears. Facing your fears and understanding them is not that bad. This activity will actually improve your skills, search for loopholes in the way you think, and prepare yourself for any future step that you will take. You can try this simple exercise to turn your anxieties to good use:
First, write down all of the fears that you have regarding your career change. For example, you might feel a little bit scared because switching jobs can be expensive.
Afterwards, turn each of your statements into a question that begins with how. An example of this one is, “How can I find the appropriate funds for my career switch?”
This very simple activity can convert your worries into problems that have definite solutions. This will make it easier for you to take action and face your fears.
3. Pinpoint occupations that complement your interests. There are various research methods that you can use to determine the right occupation for you. You can take online career tests, search for specific jobs, and ask information from other people. This task will be very easy, as long as you conduct the right research.
When it comes to searching for new job opportunities, do not limit yourself to your previous work experiences. Be more open-minded and consider other possibilities. You may have hobbies or advocacies that you want to dwell on.
4. Take one step at a time. Try to be more practical with your career switch. If you want to hone your skills and education, make sure that you only take the subjects that you can handle. You do not really need to enroll in a full-course schedule. Once you have a specific goal in mind, you can start taking additional subjects.
5. Do not overspend. This is another mistake that most people do whenever they switch careers. If you spend a lot of money on extra classes that you do not need, or shell out some money on expensive resume services, you will not have enough funds for other important things. Keep in mind that you are unemployed and that you only have a limited source of income. You still need to pay other important bills so it is imperative that you budget your finances wisely.
6. Expand your network of friends. Friends, coworkers, or previous bosses can provide you with a lot of help for your career hunting endeavors. They can offer new job leads, introduce you to influential people in the industry, and even give you vital information about the company that you want to work with. In order to expand your network, you can join several professional communities in your chosen field. You can also use social media platforms for this task.
Ask yourself: Get out your journal and really sit with yourself and see if there may be a career change in your future. Write down daily how happy you are right now. If your life is not as happy as you know it can be there may be a career change in your future. Remember change is fun! Life is fun! You know the old saying “Where one door closes another door opens”. We only get one life so let’s live it to become our ultimate self!
Chapter 4 – How to be Happy and Productive Even When You Are Not Working
According to a survey that was conducted by Career Builder, a lot of employers will still hire people even if they are out of work for an extremely long period of time. This means that even though you have huge gaps on your resume, you can achieve success in your life.
However, just because most employers are sympathetic to your situation does not mean that you can just lie down and wait for money to fall from the skies.
If you really wanted to reach the pinnacle of success, you always need to search for productive activities. This is to ensure that your skills will stay sharp, even though you do not have a stable job yet.
Check out the various fun activities that you can do during your spare time.
1. Take a contractual assignment. This is the most basic thing that you can do. This special assignment does not have to be totally related to your previous job. The goal here is to show your capabilities to other people. If you manage to show your diligence and passion for even just a short time, there is a big chance that your employers will recommend you to other companies that offer permanent positions.
2. Do volunteer work. Volunteering can help you tap certain skills that you are not aware of. It will also broaden your mind to what is happening around you. With this kind of activity, you will understand that personal happiness can be achieved even if you are not earning a lot of money. The simple act of using your abilities to help other people will provide your soul some peace and satisfaction.
3. Look for cheap alternatives to learn new things. Another way to pass up the time while you are unemployed is to take up a few extra courses that will boost your skills.
As you usher into the digital age, it is now easier to educate yourself for free. Online schools provide their visitors with numerous free lectures. Each class is taught by professors from acclaimed colleges and universities from across the globe, so you can ensure that the quality of education that you will get is still exemplary.
If you prefer some face-to-face learning, there are also places where you can get an education at a cheaper price. Libraries, for instance, offer seminars and workshops for free. Some universities also offer night classes with discount rates.
4. Develop your online presence. Start your own blog, boost up your social media profiles, or update your online portfolio. Search for companies that you want to work with, and follow their blogs, or social media accounts. This will help you discover something about the company culture. Create a brand that people look up to.
Do not be afraid to engage in intellectual conversations. Reply to their tweets, or share their posts. If the employers saw your enthusiasm, they might even consider offering you a full-time position in their company.
5. Get fit. Now that you have a lot of free time, get in shape by engaging yourself in various physical activities. You can join fun runs or sporting competitions. Take daily walks, or play tennis with your friends. If you have a strong and fit body, you will be able to think more clearly and stay positive.
6. Think about starting your own small business. If you still have the financial resources, you can also invest your money in a small business. The good thing about this activity is that you earn more profit even though you are not yet employed. You can even turn this into a full-time job. In addition, you will also learn new transferable skills that you can use on your next career.
Once you have decided to look deeper and start your own business, find a trend in the market and ride the upswing. It is good to be aware of the various changes that are happening in the industry. If you know what is popular to your customers, it will be easier for you to satiate their needs.
You can also search for similar businesses that can thrive for a long period of time. Examples of these are anti-aging skin care products, weight loss treatments, and a whole lot more. Think of a product that people will buy no matter how bad the economy gets. Look for a company with a passive income stream. Passive income means that you can generate a lot of money even if you are relaxing at a beach, or having fun with your friends and family. Sometimes if you are not careful you will find when you start a new business venture, you have just purchased yourself a job. You need to do your homework. Go to franchise shows, look in the paper for businesses for sale, or look up relationship marketing companies.
Do your research and have fun!
Ask yourself: What are the first words I say to myself when I awake every morning? What would make me jump out of bed and be excited for the day every day?
Chapter 5 - Are You Ready to be Your Own Boss?
At some point in your life, you might think about quitting your day job and start building your own business. Being your own boss may seem like an impossible dream, but in reality, millions of people across the globe have already done this amazing feat. From just simple and regular employees, these people managed to create flourishing businesses and became financially stable on their own.
Being self-employed has a lot of perks, but it also comes with big challenges. If you are used to following orders from your supervisors, you may find it difficult to make bold decisions on your own.
Benefits of Being Your Own Boss
1. You are in charge of your salary. When you are still beginning to build your own business, managing your own salary can be a very cumbersome task. You may not be able to earn the salary
But as you learn the tricks of the trade, you will be able to appreciate this newfound freedom. If you handle your own finances, you can ensure that all the money that you will receive will be delivered straight to your bank account, and not to your boss’ pockets.
2. You can let your creativity fly. As the boss of your own company, you have one hundred percent creative control. No one is going to tell you what you can and cannot do. In addition, you also have the authority to choose the types of assignment that you can accept. This will help you become more motivated to improve your business.
3. You are solely responsible for your actions. Oftentimes, huge corporations do not acknowledge their employees’ contributions. For some people, these can be very frustrating, especially if they know that they have done a huge role in achieving the company’s success. If you are managing your own business, the spotlight is always yours. The rise and fall of your enterprise rests solely on your shoulders. This thought might be a little bit scary, but at least your achievements will always be credited.
4. You control your own work schedule. Developing your own work schedule can be a big advantage for you. You can maintain a regular, 8 hour work time, or, you can have an erratic schedule that will suit your preferences. It does not matter if you work hard for an entire day, and then take a vacation on the next day. No one will scold you as long as you get the job done, and you do not forget to take care of yourself.
5. You will face new challenges. Most people quit their careers not because the salary is low, but because they feel that their work has become too easy and monotonous. When you become self-employed, you will face new and exciting challenges every day. Some of them might be a little bit difficult, but at least your life is not so dreary anymore. In addition, these challenges will also push you to improve and develop new skills.
6. You can create new job opportunities. Once your enterprise becomes bigger, you may have to hire new employees to do the additional work. Starting up a business endeavor means that you can help other people become more financially stable. It may not have any financial benefits, but it feels good to know that you are able to change lives in a positive manner.
The Risks of Being Self-employed
Running a small company on your own may seem like a very easy task. But once you immerse yourself in the self-employment industry, you will suddenly realize that there are a lot of hurdles and risks that you will face. If you are thinking about starting your own business, these are the challenges that you will face in the near future.
Searching for direction
In a normal corporate setting, a company’s mission and vision statements are properly established. In addition, all of their employees have been thoroughly briefed about their roles and responsibilities. This helps the company achieve their goals faster.
As a self-employed individual, setting goals and assigning individual responsibilities to your employees is your main task. This will be a very daunting task, especially for those who are quite new to this industry.
So before establishing your business, or hire new employees, you must first construct a well-written mission and vision statement. You should also determine your target market, and the services that you can offer to them.
Maintaining your motivation and focus
Most employees become motivated to work hard because they fear the consequences of disappointing their supervisors.
Now that you are your own boss, what motivates you to strive harder? You need to search for right stimulants if you want to successfully achieve your goal.
Forcing yourself to do activities that you dislike
Being an effective leader means accomplishing vital tasks, even if you do not enjoy doing them. An example of this one is organizing your business records. Unless you hire a secretary or an accountant, you may have to do this tedious job on your own.
Lack of Proper Resources
Even the smallest business venture requires some capital in order to be fully-developed. If you do not have the right resources to buy the materials that you need, starting your business can be really difficult. That is why you need to be financially stable first before you even enter the self-employment industry.
Important Reminders when Starting your Own Business
1. Make it simple. A lot of aspiring entrepreneurs think that they need an extremely long and detailed business plan in order to get started. However, that is not really true. Although you need to have a clear mission and vision statement, you need to keep your business plan simple.
If you worry too much about every comma and apostrophe on your proposals, you will never be able to start your company. A one page business plan that discusses your services, target market, and fees, will be enough to get you started on your endeavor. You can easily add more details once your company grows.
2. Search for your target market. Define your customers with great specificity. If you wanted to sell skin scream, do not just say that “all women” is your target market. Determine their psychographics and demographics. Once you have provided the specific details, it will be easier for you to market your product and develop an effective communication campaign.
3. Find cheaper alternatives to keep your productions costs low. All your profit is useless if you keep spending a large chunk of it on production costs. One of the ways to save up on your expenses is to look for secondhand items to furnish your workspace. You can also do some negotiations with your vendors in order to get a better price from your products.
4. Do not put a discount on your products. Instead, add more value to it. Keep in mind that you started a business in order to gain profit. Discounts will only affect your startup in a negative manner, so as much as possible; do not attempt to do it.
Just be creative and find better ways to improve your services. Take a look at Donald Trump. Instead of selling his real estate properties at an extremely low price, he improved them all and turned them into 5-star suites. His condominium units may be a little bit expensive, but people still buy it because of the great amenities that come with the price tag.
5. Learn to set deadlines. Not having a specific time frame means that you will only accomplish very few tasks. Set reasonable deadlines and learn to follow them.
Ask yourself: Is there a support group in your area of business men and women to stay in contact with business people and share your successes and hear what is working for other people too. A business that is in the community gets talked about and referred.
Thank you again for downloading this book!
I hope this book was able to help you to search for a profession that suits your skills and preferences. Whether it be for a boss or working for yourself it is always best to be your ultimate self.
The next step is to find better ways to improve your life. If you want to stay successful, you have to educate yourself and learn how to keep up with the changes in the industry.
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Thank you and many blessings!