Letting Go
August 13, 2022|My journey
8/13/22Today I was listening to a book by David R. Hawkins, M.D. Ph.D. called LETTING GO. He was telling the story of a man who lost his job and was in anguish. He asked if he could let go of smaller parts of the loss. For example, could he let go of having the same boss every day, of the secretary who was always kind to him, or of his computer and comfy chair? Letting go of small pieces will help take him out of the ”overwhelm” and allow him to move on. So I thought to myself, what can I let go of to help me move out of the grief of losing Annie. I asked myself, can I let go of having her around all the time? NO! can I let go of her cute ears and silly attitude? NO! Can I let go of her going on trail rides with me and Dusty? NO! I honestly couldn’t think of one thing I could let go of or would even want to let go of. Then suddenly, I had a moment of clarity; I could let go of the WHY. The QUESTIONING. It will be hard, but I truly feel if I can let go of the desperate need to know and understand why I had to lose her in such a horrific way, which, let’s face it, I’ll never get the answer to, then maybe it will help me move a little more forward. As I go through the process of letting go of the “why”, I am hopeful that I will feel a bit lighter and perhaps move through my grief sooner. I hope this helps anyone who is struggling with grief to perhaps “let go” piece by piece to be at peace eventually. Love to all.
Shelley Devine “the Hummingbird Medium”