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Move the Bench: How to Change Your Perspective to Enjoy a Better Life

Move the Bench: How to Change Your Perspective to Enjoy a Better Life

Knowing how to change your perspective is an essential key to being able to enjoy your life because when it comes down to it, everything is perspective. Use these tips to help you make a shift in your perception today!

In the questions of life, it is the quest that leads to the answer. 

As an artist and transformational holistic practitioner, I've been trained to observe life from different angles, each creating a different perspective. Thus, I can confidently say… 

Perspective is everything!  

But more often than not, we forget to refocus our perception when things aren’t going as planned. So, let me provide you with some guidance and tips to help you in your journey.

How to Change Your Perspective & “Move the Bench” 

Life is all about how we view the situation and events around us. Often, we use our eyes and brain to determine this. 

For example, have you ever put on a virtual reality headset, only to end up dizzy? Despite sitting still in your seat, your brain believed the illusion that you were riding a roller coaster and communicated an imbalance of equilibrium to your stomach.

In the instance above, your brain created an impression from one point of view – i.e. it formed a perspective. 

But there is so much more to perspective than what we can see with our eyes. Here are my best tips for how to change your perspective…

Expand Your Perception So You Can Really Hear Deep Wisdom

I had a profound experience many years ago, while on a deep journey within the sacred garden of my mind. I imagined a bench and invited a guide to come and talk with me, hoping to find the insight that would overcome my fear. 

Answering my invitation, a wise man came to visit. I felt he was a man of wisdom who wore a five corner black hat, a black robe, and had a long braided beard. Upon his arrival, I asked him a question about how to deal with this fear. 

With deep wisdom and in a matter of fact way, he replied simply: “move the bench.”

This was one of the most profound answers I could have received, although, at the time, I didn't think so. It was not quite what I wanted to hear. While I was interested in specific answers, the realization has become more clear with each passing year that having those details would not have served me as well. 

There is no one who has all of the answers for us. Rather, I met a guide who was willing to share a profound and expansive concept of vision and perception for life – one that continues to enlighten me as I evolve. 

With this perception, I choose to listen to my inner guidance rather than external opinions.

Look for the Silver Linings

This lesson also solidified a reminder to look for the silver lining in the challenges of life. There is always a blessing of sorts hidden within if we are willing to look for it. 

I encourage you to be willing to change your perspective and choose to find the silver linings. When life isn't clear, stand from a different vantage point and try to see it another way. Sometimes even sleeping on a decision can create a fresh and different perspective.  

Final Thoughts

The key to changing your perspective is to ask, “how can I look at this differently?” 

Invite the information to come so you can view it with honesty and clarity. 

I will leave you with this gentle reminder…

You may not always like what you hear, but that is your choice. Once the information becomes apparent, it's up to us to learn to adjust our vision by moving the bench!

Learn to Look Inward for Answers

Often, when life has us pursuing a direction, we seek opinions from others, looking to guru's, pastors, counselors, etc. for advice. But how often do you pause to look inward?

Many times, the advice we receive and the subsequent decisions we make, are formed out of limited information. We become frustrated with life as we know it, after relying on opinions from others, our habitual patterns, or unconscious beliefs and fears. A cyclical pattern forms and growth ceases to happen. 

We have the option to seek a greater quality of existence by reaching and stretching into the unknown. 

Fortunately for my clients, I have over 25 years experience guiding them towards a closer relationship with their inner guidance, using various tools to achieve a clearer viewpoint.  

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