August 27, 2022
Virgo is an energy of service, of purity, of order. The burst of creation recently emanated from the Solar energy of Leo is now ready to be nurtured into expression. Virgo therefore, offers the shapes, patterns and forms that will now give structure to the light-bursts of the Sun.
Even light must be given form and order so that it may experience and express itself through matter.
So, on this Virgo New Moon I call forth, on behalf of all hearts, DIVINE ORDER and the seeds of new beginnings that are ready to be nurtured into physical form. Light, now fractalized and expressed within Gaia, and through the human experience. On this Virgo New Moon we rekindle our flame of commitment to who we are, and why we are here, as we surrender and return to the purity of our body and to the integrity of our spirit.
This is why we are here.
Feel into this Virgo New Moon and its message for you today.
The house in your birth chart where this seed is being planted and nurtured is speaking deeply to you.
I love you and am holding you in my New Moon ceremonies/meditations right now. I hope to see you soon, at our upcoming Pisces Full Moon Gathering (more information next week). In the meantime, I leave you with my latest video update on the Virgo New Moon, Virgo Season, and Spiritual Guidance for September 2022. See link below.
All my love, Raquel Spring
September 2022 Spiritual Guidance • MERCURY RETROGRADE • VIRGO SEASON• https://youtu.be/2whQxP3vPxE