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Posted 02/07/2024

7 Steps To Connect With Your Angel Guides

7 Steps To Connect With Your Angel Guides

Angels have a truly universal presence. According to the Pew Foundation, a substantial 72% of Americans hold a belief in angels. This percentage surpasses the belief in any specific world religion, as angels play a foundational role in most of the major global religions. Whether in Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Mormonism, or various other spiritual traditions, angels are a recurring and integral element.

St. Augustine, a renowned authority on Angels, advised, "Cultivate friendships with angels." He suggested establishing personal connections with angels and allowing these relationships to evolve, akin to nurturing any significant and intimate relationship.

Seeking assistance from an angel is among our most potent spiritual practices. At any time and in any location, we can request immediate help from the angels. Here are some techniques that can guide you:

  1. Seek assistance – Angels are available to help us 24/7. The more open and receptive we are, the greater the help they can provide. Enhancing your receptivity is key to unlocking the full potential of angelic assistance. Craft your own invocations or prayers that specifically articulate the help you require. Understand that when you call upon an angel, what truly occurs is an opening of yourself to heightened receptivity to their support.

When seeking help, recognize your inherent worthiness of angelic assistance. Angels collaborate with individuals irrespective of personal histories and beliefs. Their infinite and omnipresent nature means that your request doesn't diminish them, nor does it impede their ability to assist others simultaneously. Operating beyond our conventional notions of time and space, angels respond to everyone with complete and unconditional love.

  1. Tap into your inner divine child as you summon the angels and seek assistance. Your inner divine child embodies completeness, innocence, and authenticity, acknowledging angels as reliable gifts from the Creator. This connection fosters a sense of openness, receptivity, excitement, eagerness, and wonder, setting the stage for you to receive the gift your angels have prepared.

  1. Surrender everything to the angels when seeking their assistance: every issue, problem, worry, and fear, as well as all your positive intentions and envisioned outcomes resulting from your request. Let go of any expectations regarding how your plea will be answered.

  1. Show Appreciation and Gratitude. Discover and sincerely express gratitude for things just as they are. If finding this gratitude proves challenging, request the angels' assistance in uncovering the love present in whatever difficulty you are encountering. Exercise patience and release any expectations about how this love might manifest for you.

  1. Acknowledge that it is accomplished. Each request receives a response, and assistance is unfailingly provided. If there is a fear that your request might go unanswered, seek help in understanding. Have confidence that you will discern the love within every answered prayer. The angels know you fully and love you unconditionally, ensuring that nothing beneficial is ever withheld from you.

  1. Promptly follow the guidance you receive. Embrace the opportunity and take immediate action. Angelic assistance is boundless and endless; there's no limit or depletion to it. You cannot request "too much," and the angels are joyously eager to provide for you without constraints. Acting swiftly results in a quicker reception of further assistance!

  1. Celebrate your present self without reservations. Entrust any critical judgments or negative sentiments about yourself, your life, or others to the angels for healing. Even if it's just for a brief moment, release everything that lacks love for yourself and the world around you. In this surrender, the angels can accomplish much more for you than you might achieve on your own. Express gratitude to yourself and the angels for strengthening the bond between you.

I trust that this article provided you with useful guidance on establishing a deeper connection with your Angels for assistance. Keep in mind that Angels will accompany you at every step you take today. They are constantly present, ready, and willing to offer their help.

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