When you aim to listen to a specific radio station, you adjust your radio to that station, tuning into a particular frequency. Similarly, when you wish to watch a specific TV show, it is the frequency you tune into that dictates what you hear and see.
Our brains function in a similar manner, with two available stations: the Ego Station and the Higher-Self Station.
The Ego Station emanates from the programmed mind, containing all our constraining beliefs that give rise to our fears. It represents our wounded and false self – the self we adopted while growing up to gain control over receiving love, avoiding pain, and feeling secure. Our ego wounded self functions as a closed circuit, relying on outdated information acquired during our upbringing, information that is no longer applicable or accurate. It resists new information and remains closed to the truth.
The Higher-Self Station is the channel accessing limitless information from the universe – information beyond the confines of the programmed mind. This station connects with the Source of truth, ever-present to guide us toward our highest good.
How do you align your frequency with your higher-self station?
We each possess a "dial" that either tunes us to the lower frequency of our Ego Station or the higher frequency of our Higher-Self Station. This dial is our INTENT.
We have only two intentions to choose from:
The intention to seek love and avoid pain through controlling behaviors.
The intention to learn about loving ourselves and others.
The intention to control the acquisition of love and evade pain lowers our frequency, trapping us in our constrained and ego-driven mindset. By selecting this intention and frequency, we find ourselves entangled in thoughts, falsehoods, and unloving actions that give rise to fear, anxiety, depression, guilt, shame, stress, anger, jealousy, resentment, and other negative emotions. The ego frequency is characterized by a victim mentality, and we embrace this frequency when we choose the intention of controlling the pursuit of love and evading pain.
At any given moment, we possess the power to alter our mindset and opt for the intention to learn – to understand what serves our highest good and the highest good of all. We can opt to explore and comprehend our ego mind rather than remaining entrenched within it. The moment we embrace the intention to learn about love, our frequency elevates, enabling us to connect with the higher-self station. This transformation is akin to transcending the confines of our personal computer and entering the Internet, but with greater reliability. Unlike the Internet, where information can be both true and false, everything we receive from the Higher-Self Station is unequivocally true, as it emanates from the Source of Truth.
The sole impediment to selecting the Higher-Self Station is our addiction to control. The ego mind craves control over our emotions, the emotions and actions of others, and the outcomes of situations. If your craving for control surpasses your yearning to be loving to yourself and others, and exceeds your desire to live in truth, you will persist in being ensnared in the Ego Station.
The Ego Station falsely asserts that we can exert control over things, such as others and outcomes, that are beyond our control. Attempting to manage our emotions through various addictions may offer temporary relief but ultimately leads to increased discontent. Our emotions serve as an inner guidance system, indicating whether our thoughts and behaviors align with the right path or veer off course. Suppressing these emotions with addictions only amplifies our pain in the long run.
When you opt for the intent to learn about loving yourself and others, you unlock immense joy and gain access to the profound information available when tuned into your Higher-Self Station.