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Posted 05/19/2024

Higher Self

Higher Self

What Is The Higher Self?

Are we merely physical beings with personalities? As per my understanding, we encompass more than that. Each individual possesses a higher aspect commonly known as the Higher Self, while some may refer to it as the Oversoul or Overself.

Who or what is the Higher Self? The Higher Self represents the intelligent and wise dimension of our individual self. Interestingly, the Higher Self lacks a personal identity and does not possess a 'sense of self' as our personality does. Nonetheless, it functions as a guiding influence for the personality or ego.

Is it possible to connect with this elusive Higher Self? Yes, usually through practices such as meditation or other altered states of consciousness.

Let me share a bit about myself. About a decade ago, I found that when deeply contemplating spiritual questions, I occasionally receive visions aiming to address my inquiries. These visions are predominantly symbolic, as my Higher Self communicates by imparting symbols and visions that convey messages into my awareness.

Here's an example of such transmissions:

Several years ago, I was deeply contemplating the nature of the cycle of reincarnation, wondering if lost souls would be forever trapped within the lower realm, as suggested by many Eastern beliefs. Suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, I experienced a transmission from beyond my conscious mind. It arrived as a rapid 'download'—a burst of images, symbols, and moods that flashed by in split-second impressions. This download appeared to be received by the right hemisphere of my brain. My brain quickly sought to interpret the transmission before it slipped away. How do I know it wasn't just my imagination? Firstly, I typically don't think in pictures; my thought process is language-based. Secondly, the transmitted images were engaging in a 'dual-split' to my consciousness, simultaneously overlaying my visual perception of the environment around me. This dual-split in consciousness is certainly not the usual way my mind operates!

The dynamic vision unfolded against a backdrop of light blue. Bands or rings of a lighter hue were converging towards a central point. Due to the rapid nature of the transmission, I suspect some crucial details might have been missed. Nevertheless, here is my interpretation. It's important to note that this interpretation was conducted by my physical brain, and therefore, I cannot be entirely certain about the accuracy of my understanding:

"The transmission seeks to rectify errors or, more precisely, incompleteness in my comprehension of the cosmic order. The cycle of reincarnation is not intended to be eternal; eventually, all will reunite with the Source or essence."

The transmission occurred several years ago, and my comprehension of that matter has been enhanced since then. However, the transmission was fitting for my understanding at that particular time.

Throughout the years, these visionary communications from the Higher Self, along with the guidance provided by enlightened mentors in the physical realm, have significantly deepened my understanding of the dynamics of consciousness and the universe.

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