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Posted 05/18/2024

When You Follow Your Passions And Purpose Will Follow

When You Follow Your Passions And Purpose Will Follow

What is the meaning of life, and how can I discover it? These are two of the most commonly posed questions. Have you ever pondered something akin to this?

The encouraging news is that you have a highly unique purpose to fulfill in your life. Naturally, the subsequent question that arises is, "What is it?" However, this is often where most individuals halt. You might ponder this question for a brief moment, find no immediate answers, and then proceed with your daily routine. If you genuinely wish to realize your purpose, you must move beyond the initial "What is it?" query. How can you achieve that?

It's crucial to understand that you won't have all the answers right from the start. If you're expecting a sudden revelation, like a bolt of lightning, to unveil your life's purpose, it's unlikely to happen that way.

Identifying your passion is the primary step. What excites you to the point that you can hardly contain yourself when thinking about it? Alternatively, what topic evokes intense emotions or ignites your enthusiasm? Most likely, this marks the initial stage of your potential greatness.

Why do I emphasize the starting point? Because once you have an idea of what you want to do, the subsequent questions to ask are, in what direction should I go? and How do I start? Surprisingly, these questions may not matter as much as you might think.

The second step is to start pursuing your passion without letting the questions of "What direction do I go?" or "How do I start?" hinder you from taking action. Chances are, there is some organization, group, or online community engaged in activities similar to what you are passionate about. Get involved with these individuals as they have likely laid much of the groundwork in the development of your passion. You can dive in and start contributing to their efforts.

Being in the company of these individuals will help you refine and develop your purpose. In fact, your initial reason for getting involved may evolve as you start to uncover and enhance your potential.

That's why it's not crucial to have all the details figured out before embarking on your journey. Consider it like this: Picture yourself in Los Angeles with the intention of driving to Florida. While you may not be certain about the specific destination in Florida, you are clear that Florida is where you want to be. You have two options:

  1. You can conduct extensive research, study maps, ask for advice, and explore various details to determine the optimal route to Florida. You might delay your departure until you have a comprehensive understanding of how to get there, potential risks, speed traps to avoid, and the locations of the best rest stops. The challenge with this approach is that you may never acquire all the information about the journey to Florida.

  1. Another approach is to start your journey without exhaustive planning. Seek guidance from people you meet along the way, ask for directions, and embark on your drive. As you progress, you'll meet individuals who can provide insights into optimal routes, share their experiences, and suggest fascinating places they explored on their journey to Florida. When you eventually arrive, you'll have gained valuable knowledge, enabling you to pinpoint your desired destination in Florida with precision.

The key takeaway is that you can either wait for the ideal opportunity to fulfill your purpose or you can begin your journey, discovering and fulfilling your purpose along the way. My recommendation is to take that initial step and start moving!

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