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Center for Neuroacoustic Research

Carlsbad, 92008

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About Center for Neuroacoustic Research

The Center for Neuroacoustic Research (CNR) is dedicated to the healing of the Global Body of the Universe through the healing of individuals of which it is composed. It explores the matrix and boundaries of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies through clinical and scientific research. The strength of CNRā€™s work lies in its foundation of over two decades of scientific clinical research with thousands of patients and volunteers.Dr. Jeffrey D. Thompson, D.C., B.F.A., Founder and Director of CNR, shares research findings and continuous work through articles, presentations, seminars, workshops, interviews and public speaking. Holistic Practitioners, Neuroacoustic Sound Practitioners and Therapists are trained and certified at CNR.The goal of CNR is to bring to the scientific community and to the public at large, a well-researched, safe, non-invasive, intrinsically powerful but gentle modality for managing personal health and wellness, and for personal growth and transformation. This it does with uniquely individualized sounds for each participant with Dr. Thompsonā€™s Bio-TuningĀ®/Sonic Induction Therapyā„¢. It is through Dr. Thompsonā€™s musical sound compositions, his Bio-TuningĀ®/Sonic Induction Therapyā„¢ modality and his scientifically engineered Neuroacoustic/Neuro-Integrationā„¢ Sound Delivery Systems and Programs that we move toward our vision ā€” a vision of individuals, and eventually the world, at peace, healthy and living its highest purpose ā€“ living, working and playing from its center. Dr. Thompsonā€™s and CNRā€™s motto states it wellā€œHealing the Body, Heart, Mind and Spirit through the Scientific Application of Soundā€

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Contact Information

Dr. Jeffrey Thompson, DC, BFA, CNST Diplomate, 2888 Loker Ave E., Suite 106
Carlsbad, 92008