Spiritual & Energy Healer
Sole Proprietor at
Readings by Destiny
Fairfield, California, 94534
St. Germain or, the Violet Flame
Ask And You Shall Receive...Actual photograph taken by Jan Rekoutis, Angel Photographer: I asked St. Germain to please appear in a picture with me and he obliged. Land Of Medicine Buddha, Santa Cruz mountains, 2011
This is an actual photograph taken by Jan Rekoutis, Angel Photographer: at the Land Of Medicine Buddha, in the Santa Cruz mountains in 2011
I have over 30 years of experience as a Psychic, giving Spiritual Guidance, Insight and Wisdom regarding life’s events.
Everyone is psychic, by the way, some call it Intuition, Gut Feeling, You Just “KNOW” something, or maybe you dreamed something was going to happen and it did. Not everyone enjoys those abilities, so they deny them. Did you know that some people don't want you to be aware/psychic so they invalidate your abilities?
How Do You Raise Your Vibration? Become More Aware, Period. This is what I teach.
My specialties are; Information About What You Are Creating, What Keeps You From Manifesting What You Are Asking For, Past Lives/ Reincarnation, Soul Retrieval, Retrieving Akashic Record Information, Reiki Healing, Spirit Communication From Departed Loved Ones, Relationship Issues, Healing Spiritual Agreements and Karmic Ties With Family Members And Loved Ones, Sound Healing/Energy Balancing using Tuning Forks.
There is no area in your life that cannot be looked at, You can even look at the dynamics or behind the scenes energy that is creating a certain situation. Once you look at that, you can understand it and even heal it by simply grounding it or calling your energy back from it. Knowledge Is Power.
What Is A Healing? A Healing is getting your energy back from any event in your life, this lifetime or a past lifetime. It’s about getting all the pieces of your “Puzzle” back, making you whole.
While it’s intriguing to have your future told, it only puts you in future time, waiting for IT to happen. YOU are the creator of your life; it does not happen to you. It's your lesson to learn from, and heal from. Therefore, I do not predict the future.
Are you feeling lost in this time of chaos? Do you have a sense of hopelessness? It is important to keep in mind that 75% of everything you feel is not yours, it comes from outside of yourself. We are the effect of an incredible amount if outside influences and I can give you guidance and clarity for your next step. I can also teach you energetic tools to use every day to release these feelings or energy. This is called Freedom.