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Dr. Korie Leigh, Functional Health & Wellness Coach

San Francisco, 94117

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About Dr. Korie Leigh, Functional Health & Wellness Coach

Dr. Korie Leigh is a practicing functional medicine health and wellness coach, graduate professor, and sought after speaker. She holds a PhD and is trained in transpersonal psychology, human development, functional medicine health coaching, and counseling. Additionally, she has multiple certifications in grief counseling, child life practice, reiki, mindfulness, and creative expression. In her work, she supports people living with invisible chronic illness to engage in healing on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels and in the process learn how to be seen by those around them. She has an expertise in complex chronic conditions, such as:Endometriosis, Lyme disease, Chronic fatigue, Mold illness, Oncology, Autoimmune diseasesDr. Leigh works in partnership with her clients, by supporting them where they are and helping to identify patterns that are holding them back. Instead of a temporary 'quick fix', she utilizes illuminating methods of self-discovery to help clients meet their own health and wellness needs to promote lasting change. She is also known to integrate essential oils, gem essence, reiki, guided visualization, and transpersonal methods of self-discovery in her sessions.Are you finding it hard to cope with, or explain 'invisible illness' to your family or friends?Are you feeling overwhelmed living with a complex chronic condition?Do you want to decrease the amount of pain you are in?Are you finding it hard to know what kind of questions you ask your doctor? Or are feeling disempowered when you do ask questions? Has your doctor told you to make changes to your diet or lifestyle and you are unsure how to do so?If you answered Yes to any of these questions, you have come to the right place.www.functionalhealthandwellness.org

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548 Fillmore St
San Francisco, 94117

Dr. Korie Leigh, Functional Health & Wellness Coach Specialty