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Leilani Salcedo, Health Coach & Natural Chef in Holistic Nutrition

San Francisco, 94117

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About Leilani Salcedo, Health Coach & Natural Chef in Holistic Nutrition

The Living Aloha Philosophy is centered over mindfulness around what you put in your body. Our Western lifestyle is one of convenience and that has a price. My aim is to coach clients to make slower, more mindful choices. We do so by looking at your lifestyle: (physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and financially). I will provide recipes on different foods, alternative ingredients, how to live a purposeful life, and to have a grateful heart in any situation. We will strive for balance with your primary foods (which are your career, relationships, spirituality, and physical activity) & secondary foods (the foods that you intake), and to thrive to live aloha everyday.

Lei Living Aloha was founded by Leilani Salcedo in 2016 to provide support in health and well-being. Leilani spreads aloha in supporting her clients with compassion, an emphasis on bio-individuality that no one diet works for everyone, and every person has unique needs.  She motivates and inspires others to make healthy food choices and to live a well-balanced life. 

Leilani Salcedo has a love for food, dancing, and fashion flair. She has been a visual merchandiser/ fashion stylist for 16 years of her life, then switched gears in the culinary realm. She is now living out her life purpose with her business, Lei Living Aloha, to provide support in health and wellness. Leilani graduated from Bauman College in holistic nutrition and culinary arts as a natural chef and later received her certification as a health coach from Institute of Integrative Nutrition. Leilani spreads aloha in supporting her clients with compassion, an emphasis on bio-individuality that no one diet works for everyone, and every person has unique needs. She focuses on helping each client's issues to cultivate a better lifestyle with health and wellness through food from the S.O.U.L. with Seasonal/Sustainable, Organic, Unrefined/Unprocessed, Local ingredients. Leilani motivates people with healthy food choices to support you in your lifestyle change that you seek. Leilani is an SF native. In her spare time, you can find her taking a dance class, going on a nature hike, making impromptu plans as a globetrotter (41 countries and counting!), and spending quality time with her friends and family.

Company Details

Contact Information

Company Name
Leilani Salcedo, Health Coach & Natural Chef in Holistic Nutrition
548 Fillmore St
San Francisco, 94117

Leilani Salcedo, Health Coach & Natural Chef in Holistic Nutrition Specialty