I am an experienced and certified Law of Attraction Life Coach. I coach my clients using processes, techniques, and ideas so that the Law of Attraction will work in their favor. All coaching is held over the phone so location is not important. The first mini coaching session is free. You can improve your life and attract what you want, but you have to know how.You can attract what you want and live an extremely happy life, but you have to know how! I am an experienced and certified Law of Attraction Life Coach. I coach my clients using processes, techniques and ideas so that the Law of Attraction will work in their favor. The Law of Attraction is always responding to you which is why it’s vital you fully understand it. All coaching is held over the phone so location is not important. The first mini session is free. “It only gets better when you live your life from a Law of Attraction point-of-view!”I am also an author and certified Consulting Hypnotist.“Vibratize Your Life!” is a wonderful book that lets you know very practical techniques to keep your vibrations high so that you’ll attract more of what you want into your life. As a good partner with it is the book “Magnetize Your Life” which gives you processes to help you attract what you want. Both can be found on Amazon. “Living The Law of Attraction” is a 21 day self-guided program. You can find this at lifecoachdavid.com under the “Self-Guided Program” tab.
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David Bartky, Law of Attraction Life Coach, Coaching sessions over the phone Livingston