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Michiko Ishikawa

Volunteer at Share International USA - NW
Berkeley, California, 94705

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About Michiko Ishikawa

A new TV series   (http://soulsearch.tv/on-demand/)

c4b5e415 42e4 4428 9a93 c88153306496In the SoulSearch TV series, The Promise – Humanity’s Coming of Age, Michiko Ishikawa talks with SoulSearch founder, Tanjila Islam, about the prophetic message of Benjamin Creme and the transformative presence of the World Teacher, Maitreya Buddha, among us today. 

They explore Creme’s spiritual art — modern mandala paintings — and deep insights into the divine teachings that will guide humanity Into a new era of peace, justice and spiritual growth. 

Through their transformative conversations, the series invites viewers to understand the profound spiritual changes unfolding in our world and how we can all play a part in this age of transformation.

Michiko's profile

fe13bd5b 09d8 40a9 8131 1340177af9d8See Michiko's presentation, "Art, Spirituality & Global Transformation" at tiny.cc/CremeArtMichiko has dedicated over 40 years of her life to creating awareness about the emergence of the World Teacher for the Age of Aquarius and the practice of Transmission Meditation, a new form of meditation for world service.

Michiko’s journey began in 1980 when she encountered the first book by British artist and esotericist Benjamin Creme, The Reappearance of the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom. Initially skeptical about the authenticity of Creme’s claims regarding the “reappearance of the Christ in the modern world,”  she was nonetheless captivated by the central message of the book.  

The essence of Christ’s message, as described in the book, emphasized the urgent need to address global issues such as hunger and poverty, as well as environmental degradation. A key element of His teaching was that the equitable sharing of the world’s resources could solve these pressing problems and lead to global peace and justice. For Michiko, the concepts of peace, justice, and sharing resonated deeply, aligning with her own commitment to world peace and her academic research focusing on the potential of emerging nations in the global South.

As Michiko explored Creme’s work further, she came to realize the return of the Christ, along with a group of His disciples—the Masters of Wisdom—as a profound and meaningful event during this pivotal moment in history. She recognized that the presence of these great spiritual teachers, in a time of global crisis, was part of a broader, cyclical process of spiritual evolution throughout human history: the cyclic manifestation and the continuity of divine revelation. The return of the Christ, she believed, was perfectly timed to inspire humanity and lead us away from the precipice of destruction.

Awakened to her life’s mission, Michiko responded to the Christ’s call to help make His presence known in the world and prepare humanity for His coming.

0172c03b dd2c 4462 8395 fedeebdc397aAs a part of the worldwide volunteer network Share International initiated by Benjamin Creme, she worked closely with him for many years. Michiko compiled and edited many of Creme’s books in English, translating them into Japanese, and served as his assistant and translator during his annual lecture tours in Japan for 26 years. In addition to her work with Creme, Michiko has delivered numerous lectures herself in the United States and Japan, attracting thousands of attendees especially in Japan. She rendered all of these services freely with joy and never received any monetary compensation.

Company Details

Contact Information

Company Name
Share International USA - NW
Berkeley, California, 94705
United States