Spiritual & Energy Healer
Kentfield, California
Imagine a new normal of greater Grace & Ease in every aspect of your life. How much greater could your relations be with Those That Matter Most to you when you're liberated from "That" that hinders you?
The most profound relationship in existence is between Mother and Child. When it comes to being an Entrepreneur Mom with Younglings, not very often are we taught how to navigate life. In this platform, everything is open for conscious conversation with the intention of Being the greatest contribution to you, your journey, and your legacy. Please note, that being a Mom is not a matter of Gender. That's a story humans made up. All are welcome.
JenaRose is a natural intuitive who started her journey at the young age of 8 years old. By the time she was 12, she was doing distance healings. In her teens, she discovered she was a medium as well. In 2012, she realized she was a Change Catalyst; she focused on energy cleansings, I Am Presence teachings, energetic upgrades, & Sacred Space Clearings. She's mentored hundreds of individuals across the globe to elevate their lives fulfilling their dharmic path. JenaRose moved from living in Sedona, Arizona for 7 years to Marin County, California. She is mother of 3, grandmother of 3. Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi (Amma The Hugging Saint) is her Light and Inspiration for 13 years. Her mission is to empower moms to remember who they are in their Highest Greatest Divine Perfection & awaken children through the channeled insights she receives. Esther Hicks channels Abraham and teaches the law of attraction. JenaRose channels The Divine Mother (They, Is of the Isness, One of many names ...) and teaches The Higher Universal Laws.