Spiritual & Energy Healer
San Ramon, California
My Soul Speaks:
Cindy is a Spiritual Development Director, Coach, and Advisor, who guides souls back to their Inner Light and Divine Purpose. She helps individuals who are in deep search to find their happiness in the "hard-working, serving others" world while keeping their self-love and self-appreciation in the equation. She can assist you with finding your Inner Navigational System and Inner Joy.
She found intuition and claryvoance in 1999 at a major crossroad that saved her life. A couple of near death experiences later, she decide to stay in the body to carry out the life desire to teach souls searching for deeper meaning beyond the physical world. She completed her initial clariyovant development in 2002 and pursued the graduate and advance levels thereafter. In 2022, she completed the Seer & Healer Advance Practice Experiences (SHAPE) Clairyovance & Trandsmediumship Mastery Program for teachers, healers, and mediums.
** Align with Spiritual Source Guidance to Find Your Soul's Resonance and Purpose
** Provide Grounded and Steadfast Coaching for You to Learn to Hear Your Inner Voice and Discern Your Truth Versus Non-Truths
She is excited to guide souls to reconnect with their Inner Light!