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A Radical Approach to the Akashic Records: Master Your Life and Raise Your Vibration

Spiritual Expansion Academy
$13.99 In Stock
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Do you want to make radical changes in your life, so you have happier, healthier relationships?

Are you ready for deep transformation and becoming your highest vibration?

Is it time to transcend your past so you can create a new future?

In this Updated Edition you are about to embark on a radical journey into the Akashic Records on the Quantum Field. This isn’t about your past life; it’s about claiming your wholeness and accelerating your spiritual awakening and evolving your consciousness.

The Real Secret!

In this book you will discover the real secret to inner transformation. You will receive practical wisdom and information on how to use the Akashic Records to transcend your past and create your future.

The updated version of A Radical Approach to the Akashic Records: Master Your Life and Raise Your Vibration gives you the tools and important information you need to become your higher consciousness! This expanded second edition information will reveal:• Your Soul Gifts and how to discover what they are• Your real Soul Purpose and why you incarnated on Earth• How to reach the highest level of the Akashic Records (Quantum Field) and what to do there• The new Ascension process and how to use the Akashic Records for your personal Ascension• How to use the Akashic Records to attain the next phase of Human Evolution• Applied tools and meditations to raise your vibration and easily read the Akashic Records• How to deal with real life: practical family issues, illness, fear, money stress and emotional or mental turmoil• Essential information about Karma and your past life patterns that keep you stuck in negative patterns• Practical ways to transcend Karma and lower vibrational emotions by releasing your Karma completely• How to rewire your brain in the Akashic Records• How to rewrite your Akashic Records and embody higher states of consciousness such as self-love, inner peace, blissful joy, and Oneness• How to read the Akashic Records on the Quantum Field for yourself and others• Discover the way to transcend the human existence and live life more consciouslyThis book is a step by step guide, giving you the “what, why and how” of achieving mystical experiences through the Akashic Records. 

Don’t Wait!

Read this book so you can start connecting with the Akashic Records on the Quantum Field. Experience a life of meaningful manifestation and creation by healing all your negative patterns quickly and easily.

About the Author: Melissa Feick

As a Vibrational Ascension Leader, Melissa Feick merges modern spirituality with ancient wisdom by bringing through channeled information to support you on your spiritual journey. Melissa is a writer and advanced intuitive who leads metaphysical workshops and spiritual retreats, providing people with a path to their authentic self. She is the bestselling author of “A Radical Approach to the Akashic Records: Master Your Life, Raise Your Vibration” and creator of Activating Ascension classes and Akashic Records Certifications taught through her Spiritual Expansion Academy.Melissa guides her students to experience their multidimensional self through high frequency activations and deep metaphysical classes. She lives her life being guided and supports those experiencing their individual Great Awakening.https://melissafeick.com/

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