The 40mm-45mm Small Ocean Nubian Pyramid is designed to protect a home from harmful EMF Fields. Each ocean Nubian pyramid has real seashells collected from the beach by hand. It is guaranteed to help with many issues related to EMF sensitivity as reported below.
Some Reported Benefits:
Each Pyramid contains over 50 different types of crystals. A quartz crystal wrapped in copper wire extends into the top. Extra Shungite and Selenite provide constant EMF protection with the Selenite cleansing any excess harmful energies. Local Payson, Arizona diamonds also make it unnecessary to charge your device such as leaving it in the sun. However, I do recommend charging your device with personal intentions.
The Nubian Pyramids contain fine copper, brass, and aluminum shavings. The fine metals packed into each device have shown to provide far greater effectiveness compared to devices with less metal or larger metal chunks.
The tops of the pyramids do not contain any metal as that disrupts the natural pyramid energy. Russian Pyramid research recommends not using metal to build pyramids, and are using PVC pipes and fiberglass to construct monstrous structures. Those structures are showing the pyramid design restructures EMF energy very much like orgonite.
The Ocean Pyramid has a good amount of metal inside while also showing a good bit of color. A perfect balance of art and effectiveness.
A Triskelion located on the bottom of every pyramid is another sacred geometry design. The triple spiral design has shown to aid in restructuring water as well as many similar benefits that positive orgone devices also provide, assisting in the overall effectiveness of each device.
One Small Nubian Pyramid typically protects a house, which I've learned varies...
Effectiveness may vary depending on exposure to large amounts of EMF pollution. I like to explain that if you live in the middle of nowhere, it will protect several Acres, but if you live in a downtown apartment, it would only protect your apartment. 5G has been shown to decrease the range of these devices. #5Gprotection #5Gdangers #5Gdefense
You can remedy the 5G problem by additionally placing several smaller pieces around the perimeter of the house, or purchasing a device with more metal shavings.
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#Orgone #orgonite #EMF #protection #insomnia #positive #energy #crystals #quartz #shungite #triskelion #structuredwater #sacredgeometry #floweroflife #selenite #clearing #psychic