1. Jan 15; 2. Jan 29; 3. Feb 12; 4, Feb 26; 5. Mar 11; 6. Mar 25; 7. Apr 8; 8. Apr 22; 9. May 6
Pay now online through PayPal or with CreditCard in full $1,900 OR Pay in person each module $200 or in full $1,800 Healing begins with understanding our wounds and shadows.
The process of facing our shadows is challenging because it is asking for us to be honest and truthful with ourselves and to look at what's beneath the surface. We must leave the comfort of our patterns and behaviors that we have created in order to break free, transform fear and pain, and lead a meaningful life.
In this course we will discover the shadows created from our unhealed wounds, how they define our behavior, create patterns and belief systems, and how they manifest in our body.
You will gain an understanding of the Pathways and how they impact your physical body, how they connect to specific organs, amino acids, and any illness or debilitation. Whether it be physical, emotional, or spiritual. This will allow you break open the gateways for healing and spiritual acceleration. To evolve spiritually, to remember who you are, and to reach higher dimensional frequencies, and to drop our attachment to our shadows.
There are 12 spheres of light in our lightbody that connect and contain the 64 Shamballa codes. They connect to organs, behavioral patterns, as well as vital amino acids that are needed for healing. This shadow course will uncover and allow you to connect the dots within yourself as well as your relationships.
This course transitions into the Shamballa Pathway - Healing course, where you will transform your wounds through the healing process.
Between each Module we support your individual learning and integration of the information with individual and group sessions.
Chico, CA, USA
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