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WAKE UP! Awakening through Reflection A 10-day Life-Lessons Workshop - e-book & hardcover book available

Suzanne Ross Transcendence
$9.95 In Stock
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A 10-day Life Lessons Work

Testimonial from international bestselling author, Barbara Hand Clow:

“I have finished reading “Wake Up!” and it is one of the finest books on personal transformation I have ever read. You say so much in so few words. It is a masterpiece. Thank you so much for giving it to me! This email is to tell you I am sure I will endorse your second book as soon as it arrives and I have read it. You are a wonderful and clear writer, and your heart is so much present in your work that I could almost hear it while reading it.”

About Suzanne Ross

With her advanced knowledge of health and wellness, Suzanne has empowered hundreds of people to reach their highest potential through improved health and wellness. Not only has she helped them improve the quality of their life from a physical perspective but, through sharing her enlightened message, has inspired many to realize their potential from a spiritual perspective as well. By offering “The Up! Trilogy”, Suzanne is expanding her live 30-day programming by bringing it into the lives of many with her interactive books, guided meditation CD and “Spiritual Transformations” DVD. She hopes that her message of human empowerment and “Creator-Consciousness” will transform the lives of those seeking to manifest a reality that aligns with their true purpose. Through teaching her signature “VIS-MED” practice from her book “Wake Up!” she guides her students through sensory visualization and contemplative meditation facilitating their power to connect to higher consciousness. She believes that anyone can dramatically enhance their experience of life by tapping into the greater field of consciousness that lies beyond our everyday awareness. This connection, she feels, not only reveals a deeper meaning and greater purpose but also empowers seekers to unleash their creative spirit and realize their unlimited potential to do, be and have anything their heart truly desires.

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