Spiritual & Energy Healer
Phoenix, Arizona
Practitioner– Entrepreneur - Philanthropist
Ron Interpreter is a member of the Navajo Nation, with maternal relations of the “White Streak in a Rock” of the San Carlos Apache Tribe, and parental relations of the “Many Goats” Clan of the Navajo Tribe. He is originally from the community of Forest Lake, located on Navajo Nation, and a father to three beautiful children.
Ron Interpreter explains Transformational Reiki... ???????? Enjoy this Live Experience!
Practitioner and Owner of “Beeh Ji Zoni”
As an Intuitive Practitioner, Ron is motivated by an individual’s commitment of deepening their personal health and spiritual wellbeing. An accomplished Reiki Master, Ron facilitates a healing modality he calls “Beeh Ji Zhoni – Beauty Within,” a divine state of being; in which the alignment of consciousness and spirituality is attained by setting positive intentions, practicing self love, and initiating self discipline to create an abundant and healthy lifestyle.
Learn more about Ron's work here: We are the Medicine with Ron Interpreter
Infused with Navajo and Usui Reiki traditions, Ron empowers clients to manifest a positive identity and heal their Chakra energy flows to sustain a positive physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually well-being. Certified as a Usui Reiki Master, NCBTMB – Instructor, Ron has over 25 years experience in energy work, herbal treatments, and life coaching services; as well as facilitating large production events, social conscious movements, and brings a synergistic, yet assured presence to ensure a space of sanctuary that encourages a healthy social exchange within community.
Entrepreneur – Owner of Interpretive Solutions LLC
Interpretive Solutions, LLC (i-solutions) is a consulting company specializing in Business Management solutions relating to Marketing, Professional development, Customer Retention, Cultural Competency, and Strategic Planning. i-solutions LLC strives to effective align resources to manage simple approaches that create innovative solutions, without sacrificing the corporate culture and client relations. Clients of i-solutions have include Architecture Firms, Environmental Clearance Entities, Federal Agencies, Nonprofit Organizations, Wellness Organizations, Entertainment Companies, Business Start-Ups and community grass-roots organizations.
red road architects LLC – Owner / Principle
A Collaborative of business professionals who emphasize a unique approach to providing architectural services by integrating the fundamental principles of art, architecture, activism, and awareness, which are necessary elements to planning and architectural design that is socially, culturally and environmentally relevant.
red road architects believes that a ‘nature-based’ approach to planning and design is the solution to meet economic constraints, promote energy efficiency, and environmentally responsible. Our goal is to provide a built environment that is aesthetically satisfying and efficiently functional while preserving and enhancing the natural world, which makes for an accommodating environment for all users and one that will inspire and enlighten them.