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Shamanism by Ministry Of Consciousness

Reno, 89509

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About Shamanism by Ministry Of Consciousness

Phone and Skype sessions available. Mention Alternatives For Healing and get 50% off ā€œlong distanceā€ Shamanic Healing sessions on Skype by video call.Bridgette Lyn Dolgoff (she walks among stars) is the Minister of the Ministry Of Consciousness & the Chief and Shaman for the Snake Clan. Bridgette works in 64 dimensions and specializes in her own formats, structures, practices in Shamanism utilizing Fire & Snake Medicine, and Transmutation. Her Shamanism work also involves energy grid adjustments, altars, medicine bundles, couching, screening, event looping, prayer, spiritual commitment ceremonies plugging & unplugging sessions. Bridgette is also a sustainable Biodynamic farmer educating about our spiritual return back to Earth. She brings insights on how to work with the medicine of earth in systems of recovery and restoration for the health of our bodies, soil, water, air, plants life and animals.Transmutation~Shamanism~Fire Medicine~Snake Medicine Dreaming~ Medicine Bundles~ Earth MedicineTransmutation: The conversion of one element, event, situation, energy, being, cell, microbe or nuclide into another either which can happen in nature as a ā€œnaturally occurring eventā€ or artificially.Shamanism: Shamanism encompasses the premise that shamans are intermediaries or messengers between the human world and the spirit worlds. Shamans are said to treat ailments/illness by mending the soul. Alleviating traumas affecting the soul/spirit restores the physical body of the individual to balance and wholeness. The shaman also enters supernatural realms or dimensions to obtain solutions to problems afflicting our reality. Shamans may visit other worlds/dimensions to bring guidance to misguided souls and to ameliorate illnesses of the human soul caused by foreign elements. The shaman operates primarily within the spiritual world, which in turn affects the human world. The restoration of balance results in the elimination of the ailment.Fire Medicine: Fire can be called upon as a teacher to generate power for creation, health, and healing, spiritual pursuits. Fire purifies us by burning away the old that is no longer useful. It is a necessary medicine in the process of transmutation and transformation. Fire medicine covers vast medium/s in which our work with fire can be carried out: the sun, lightening, physical fire, heat, cosmic energies, natureā€™s life forces, electrical current, passion and the ā€œsparkā€ of creation. Sacred Fire which is also a term for fire medicine when expressed in ā€œhigher states of consciousnessā€. Fire is a powerful current, flame, wave, spark of energy that when actively invoked initiates an intelligent of power to overcome obstacles and fuel our vast infinite potential. This medicine teaches you on a personal level that you are a universal being.Snake Medicine: The power of snake medicine is the power of creation. Snake swallows its experience or prey whole. The transmutation of the life-death-rebirth cycle is exemplified by the shedding of Snakeā€™s skin. It is the energy of wholeness, cosmic consciousness, and the ability to experience anything willingly and without resistance. It is the knowledge that all things are equal in creation, and that those things which might be experienced as poison can be eaten, ingested, integrated, and transmuted if one has the proper state of mind. Where all animal spirit medicines speak of healing, the snake totem is the medicine of medicine itself. In its most concentrated, snake medicine is a shamanic passage, which, if survived, will bring deeper consciousness.Dreaming Medicine: Tribal medicine men/women and shamans can be men of outstanding character and personality. They are masters at controlling and using the power of morphogenic fields and altered states of consciousness both for medical and spiritual purposes. Their psychic powers and knowledge extend far beyond that of the average western individual. Some of them have undertaken disciplined investigation and developed techniques where mind works on mind. The Assemblage Point, the epicenter of the human energy field, is one of the fundamental principles of their power and knowledge. The assemblage point dictates ā€˜how we feel and how we behaveā€™. The Assemblage Point is intrinsic in the shamanic teachings in relation to the physical body and the second body or dreaming double. The importance of the Assemblage Point of the physical body with regard to health and disease. Attached to the assemblage point on the back side of the physical body is the ā€˜second bodyā€™ or dreaming double. The Assemblage Point of the ā€˜second bodyā€™ or dreaming double existing in some other realm or parallel universe. Books that can help gain insight to this work are: Out of the Body and The art of Dreaming.Medicine Bundles: Is a wrapped package/s employed as a ritual aid. The size of a medicine bundle generally varies from 2 to 14 inches in length, but could be larger. Contents may include a collection of various items that might include seeds, pine cones, grass, animal teeth or claws, horse hair, rocks, tobacco, beads, bones, herbs and items used to create ā€œstrengthsā€ of energies for desire outcomes. Are used in the processes of earth acupuncture, can be hand crafted for individual, partnership, death, health, prosperity, protection, elevating energy, traveling and more.WorkshopsEnergy Circle: Learn to work together in a group (circle) to clear energy and blocks. Highlight will be creating an energy vortex together. This event can help you to learn authenticity with others for the mutual benefit of all.Surrendering: Body ā€œde-constructionā€ methods for understanding and bringing about personal surrendering. This work teaches how to find, manage, release and surrender to pain/held suffering in our bodies. This work reaches all bodies, mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. Unlocking blocked energies or suffering.Working with your tools: Such as: smudging, sage, cedar, plants, medicine bundles, tobacco, prayer, stones, bones and totems. Learn how to create scared space with the 7 directions and how to build a relationship ā€œmaking friendsā€ with energy beings ā€œtoolsā€ we used in shamanic work. Become the friend you would love to have!Generating Power: Is about how we lose power and methods to restore power. I will be teaching one of my favorite methods, a modified version of the ā€œrun to the sunā€. Understand the totality of power and energy available will help you in build your own restoration of power. Once you know how to and where to find these energies around you the energies will become your alleys. Health of the body requires massive amounts of power. More so than nutrition.Earth Medicine: Our spiritual return back to Earth. Learn insights on how to work with the medicine of earth in systems of recovery and restoration for the health of our bodies, soil, water, air, plants life and animals. Workshop includes why we need to return back to earth and ideas on how we can do it. Microbial health and processes, your body as compost. Including old style compost builds for medicine. Whole compost, plant solutions and placement for earth acupuncture.Please note: Mini workshops listed above can be in a group or private (by appointment) form. For a ā€œfullā€ day or ā€œseveralā€ day workshop/s, aspects of all the mini workshops are pulled together into a cohesive structure.By AppointmentBy Appointment: Sitting Shamanistic Healing: This healing is specific to the Emotional Body and the Luminous Sphere. This session is offered in 3ā€™s, time of first appointment 11 days after and 3 weeks out after first appointment. Appointments can be in person or by video call on skype.By Appointment: (travel appointment to location) Healing work on our 4 legged people. I work on all animals with 4 legs, domestic and farm.By Appointment: (travel appointment to location) Assessment by dousing and communicating to the area afflicted in need of change. This is for land, office, business, home, farm and property. Next implementing handmade medicine alone with methods of clearing, prayers, blessings, earth Acupuncture to opening new energy grids, opening and balancing meridians that can stretch worldwide. For prosperity, support, healing, health and the transformation of old blocked energies. Upgrade your space to new frequencies.For information or to host & bring this work to your area please contact Bridgette at 775.624.7862Mention Alternatives For Healing and get 50% off first ā€œlong distanceā€ Shamanic Healing session.See Bridgetteā€™s YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/user/bridgenit

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Phone and Skype sessions available, 316 California Ave #29
Reno, 89509