Spiritual & Energy Healer
Portland, Oregon
I am an Author, Alchemist, Ceremonialist & Transformational Guide.
I listen deeply to the longings of the soul, helping bring to light the creative power and source of life from within. Here is where the heart of you can return to your breath and bones, your pulse and world, to sustain and nourish you with your sincere love and purpose.
Through my 20+ years of working in the field of Feminine Wisdom, I've created a transformational body of work to support women reclaiming their inherent grace and power, called the SoulBody Sanctuary. My methods include my signature practice of, "The Wombing Experience." Which is a feminine-based container that supports clients to feel safe in their body and relationships, so they can get curious about and let go of prior beliefs, expectations, lifestyles and domineering rules. And drop in to a sense of who they are in their wholeness, while their nervous system receives and feels what life is like as we are held, embraced, safe and supported. I have the ability to read where the body, mind, heart and soul are incongruent, and provide personalized support through sacred tools to craft one's world from the inside out. My focus is working with women through life transitions, to rebirth themselves into their wisdom and intimacy with feminine creation. I'm committed to deep and lasting real world change and life-altering breakthroughs.
I'm the author of Faces of the Mother... a journey, a collaboration, a feminine restoration, co-author of Women Living on Purpose and She Is, and have created several workbooks, audio programs and self-study courses. I currently share one-on-one mentorship, Sisterhood healing, and offer transformational retreats.