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Trudy Helge

Davis, California, 95618

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About Trudy Helge

A health psychologist for 25 years, I have always had an interest in mind-body medicine.  At my “day job” I work in a variety of medical departments. The work is rewarding, but there is SO MUCH MORE to healing than western medical/psychological therapies don’t address. 

In the 1990s, I dabbled with different healing modalities but put healing on hold to complete graduate school and raise my children. Like all perfect gifts, when I was ready to return to spiritual healing, doors opened for me.   I mentioned to a new friend that I had enough time in my life to start looking for a shamanic teacher; one who humbly practiced God-centered intuitive work and developed students to foster their own spiritual gifts and talents.  She met my passion with a laugh, stating, “Have I got the teacher for you!”  I didn’t know it at the time, but she was a spiritual healer.  She introduced me to her teacher, Victor Barron, a world-renowned spiritual healer and medium.  I haven’t turned back since.

I am now advanced healer and believe within each of us is a spark of the divine.  We are our most perfect, loving and empowered selves when layers of pain, trauma, suffering and negativity are removed, allowing us to to remember who we REALLY are.  When we are able to do that, we move with more fluidity, grace, peace, compassion and humble power in the world; make wise decisions more easily; and serve as a beacon of light to guide others as well.

I see clients in-person in Davis, CA, and hold virutal sessions for clients around the world.  In additions to working with individuals, I conduct home and business cleansing to ensure that your environment is as spiritually and energetically clear as you!  Feel free to contact me with questions about home and business cleansing.

(Please note, that I do not practice as a psychologist in my healing work.  Healing sessions should not be used as a substitute for medical and/or psychological care.)

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Davis, California, 95618
United States