8/8 Lion's Gate Transmission: Healing Timelines. From The AGE OF LEO to AGE OF AQUARIUS.
The Aquarius Full Moon shines a powerful light on the peak of the Lion's Gate portal, where our Sun is streaming in the new data that annually comes in from Sirius.
During this time of maximum alignment, and with the new codes coming in from Sirius and our Sun, we as a community celebrate the Full Moon in Aquarius and look at what that means for us right now. With special focus on the incoming Age of Aquarius, this livestream webinar will show you how the Lion's Gate Portal is interwoven into the greater cycles for humanity on the Aquarius Full Moon of August 11, 2022.
This is the juncture where soul contracts end and agreements dissolve in preparation for the new reality matrix coming in, as seen by the Age of Aquarius.
You will also learn about The Age of Leo, and how we have direct access to Atlantis through the straight line opposition that connects us with the incoming Age of Aquarius. Deep Astrology truths! Yes. I look forward to sharing this space with you.