APOLOGIES FOR THE MICROPHONE ***In this video, Keleena speaks about what is happening now and channels some beautiful messages to assist the collective. She touches on March Cosmic Energies and shares how the physical body may react. Also, she sings and speaks the Language of Light for healing, aligning with your higher self, and awakening for your transformation through the DNA at the cellular level. Enjoy!
Awake since childhood, Keleena has heard, seen, and channeled her guides. They instructed her to teach from experience to assist humanity in the great awakening and lead them back to their sacred hearts.
She is an International Facilitator & Sacred Site Activator, Intuitive Channel, Multidimensional Full-Body Conduit, Wayshower of Ascension for Your Mastery, Multidimensional Quantum Energy Healer, and Divine Feminine New Earth Leader here to Bring the Message to the Earth that the Holy Mother Spirit is returning.
She is located in Sedona, Arizona. She provides FREE Activations, Healing, and Channeled Information on this channel to move you forward in your Awakening, Healing, Purification, and Ascension process to become your Divine Authentic Self and much more.
To contact Keleena for Interviews, Podcast talks, or for her to Speak or Participate in Events, please email us at info.sacredheartlove@gmail.com
Click the link below for Personal Sessions, Events, Workshops, Retreats & her Patreon Community click the link: https://linktr.ee/KeleenaMalnar
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