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Spiritual Bypassing Examples

I wanted to share with you some examples of Spiritual Bypassing and so you recognize when you disconnect from your feelings or when others are Spiritual Bypassing.   Spirituality is not designed for you avoid your pain, unresolved wounds, or any lower feelings. It's designed to help you recognize the potential to be a higher vibration and to heal any lower vibrations. Don't resist your lower vibrations or feelings by denying them! That is the lie people tell you.  During the Great Awakening you are ready to shift into higher vibrations but don't avoid or bypass your issues. 

Email from Client "We both know about vibration effect on human. Email is sort of vibration you want to deliver to people. It is your choice WHAT you want to deliver. I (personally) would not play the games with higher entities who try to help us. I do not know why your emails bring the negative information. I do not care about your business. Only light, love and peace is what I expect from you. Please consider your next email content. Be blessed and have a faith in light workers" Melissa's Email about my Divine Love Meditation "Did you know that every moment you are creating your next moment? A few years ago my business starting taking off which should be a good thing but internally I was struggling with some fear of getting too well-known. This fear wasn’t something I verbalized or even understood completely. It was from my subconscious mind, “stay small and you’ll be safe!” Have you ever felt that way? But I realized I was resisting the flow of the Universe! This resistance starts to create unhealthy experiences. Resistance is energy from the ego’s need to control and it feels like you are pushing a boulder up a mountain of pain. If you’ve ever experienced feeling stuck or unsure of your next steps you know exactly what I’m talking about. But you don’t have to live that way! Start to be more conscious of what you are resisting so you can be happier and feel more on purpose. The interesting thing is that most people are resisting higher states of consciousness like self-love, inner joy, connection etc. All these higher states of consciousness can be easily achieved through the energy Law of Vibration and the energy of receiving. The full energy of giving and receiving fills your energy and raises your vibration! All these higher states of consciousness can be easily achieved through the energy Law of Vibration and the energy of receiving. The full energy of giving and receiving fills your energy and raises your vibration!..

Being of service and opening to your higher consciousness will raise your vibration so you can live consciously through Divine Love. In raising your consciousness and vibration your perceptions of the world will change which means your experiences change. You will feel More peaceful More grateful You will be able to navigate your relationships more easily Become more intuitive So … isn’t it powerful to know, the next time you are in a stressful situation, you can align with your own inner knowing and discover whether you are resisting or in the flow. Much Love Melissa" 

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