The Path to EnLIGHTenment with Mary Magdalene & Cathors in So. France
65100 Lourdes, France
This is a healing journey which connects to those hearing the call from the Divine Feminine and one of the most profound journeys one can imagine. On our journey we will explore Lourdes and the spirit of Mother Mary, known as "the Mother of Light" and "the Pure One" and visit the healing spring she inspired. We learn about the courageous Cathars, and their quest to follow the path of the Essenes and Christ.
We'll engage with spirit of Mary Magdalene and her healing light, illuminating those who call upon her and the mastery and mysteries of Ascension in St. Baume and Sts Maries de-la-Mer. Along our way we discover more about the Black Virgin, sleep in a true castle, and visit the Basilica of Mary Magdalene and ancient cathedrals. You'll learn about the codes hidden within the chapel, listen to the rich history, enjoy true French cuisine and breathtaking countryside and roam through quaint cities. This is a retreat that will transform and fill you with peace, hope and reverence for the power of the mysteries we seek. Truly you will never be the same again! Please visit my website at