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Zenka Caro

Founder at Spoon Bending First Sunday of the Month
Sedona, AZ

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Magic IS real.

About Zenka Caro

Citizen Science Gone Rogue
1st Sundays of Every Month
Spoon Bending in Sedona and Online

“Mind Over Matter” parties were created and perfected by the late citizen scientist Jack Houck in the 1980s. By day, he ran a research lab at an aerospace company,  and by night he researched his growing fascination with psychokinesis  with over 16,000 people. His eight-plus years of research resulted in a  repeatable methodology which enables 85% of participants to bend spoons.  This phenomenon is possible with a single person but gets much easier when a group of 15 or more create a peak emotional experience together.

People described the experience as “life  changing,” “great fun,” and “Illuminating.”

The underlying story  is that energy follows intention. We constantly affect our reality, we  just don’t realize it. This may be why spoons make great tangible  feedback mechanisms and why mothers can lift cars when one is on top of  their child.

Zenka Caro has been doing PK parties since 2019 - you are in for a mind blowing shift in your reality. No experience necessary. 

Sedona Registration (we sell out so get tix early) www.bit.ly/bend-spoons

Online Registration - Become an Exo Metaverse Member - www.bit.ly/exo-members

Dean Radin, PhD on Spoon Bending Radin is chief scientist at The Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), a research center and direct-experience lab specializing in the intersection of science and profound human experience.

Company Details

Year Established
Hours of Operation
1st Sundays of every month 5:55pm MST in Sedona and online.
Sedona Registration (we sell out so get tix early) - www.bit.ly/bend-spoons
Online Registration - Become an Exo Metaverse Member www.bit.ly/exo-members
Accepted Forms of Payments
Venmo, Square, Paypal
Zenka Caro is founder of Light Net, a search engine for consciousness. She is a futurist and strategist focused on scaling global consciousness. Zenka is an inspirational speaker and an expert in whole systems thinking, human centered design, frontier technology, and augmented reality.

She been working in technology for over 20 years running software development companies and working as a consultant as a systems architect and product developer. After receiving her Bachelor of Science from Northwestern University, she worked extensively in feature films before managing the interactive streaming department at Akamai Technologies. She spent 10 years in Argentina, where she founded the software development company, TripleSmart. Upon returning to Los Angeles, she built interactive, augmented reality experiences. While not working as a systems architect she likes to do experiments such as mind-over-matter spoon bending parties, and radio research using electromagnetics which expand our understanding and worldview.

She is currently founder of The Wisdom Age Metaverse, a non-profit that is building the Light Net, a search engine for consciousness. The system serves as a database for the planetā€™s best consciousness resources. It maps statistically what is working best for self discovery, healing, and extending our human capabilities. The open data commons, is also a citizen science platform which works to allow people to organize into small groups to move from theory into personal knowledge. Light Net visualizes the acceleration of the global renaissance, which works to add hope and rocket fuel to our best future.

Other Projects:

Exo Metaverse (Citizen Science for the Galactic Age) www.exometaverse.org

The Global Awakening Tracker (NASA style mission control which shows the exponential expansion of consciousness in social networks and scientific measurements) https://noc.galacticage.org/

The Passion Based Economy (A hack for funding the worldā€™s most passionate people) www.passionbe.com
Honors & Awards
TEDx Talk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2FA-IuDTMjE

Contact Information

Company Name
Spoon Bending First Sunday of the Month
431 Highway 179, Suite A1
Sedona, AZ