“It is said that in time the truth will be revealed, yet in this time is the immediate understanding of the cocreation of events that have occurred through the illumination of the spirit body that manifests the truth through light in the living space of the heart. It is here that the heart response regains the closest initiations of the spheres of light that are anchoring in the core vortexes of the planet this season that all are being regenerated through their own crucifixion rebirth initiating cycle.
To know thyself be true is to know the deepest dark accumulations within the human DNA rising to be unfold for the liberation of Gaia and humanity. Your body is your tool that releases the control within your DNA for freedom.
Choices you make as unique beings are to allow your full capacity to come online. Many will choose not to see the truth of their ways and continue to advance, for their outcome is only relevant to the self in service to their self.
Others will continue their journey of freedom through the completion and cycles of events that lead them to their authenticity. It is these unique beings that walk as god's gateways to change the world.
To be authentic is to allow and surrender to what rises within to heal. For those still seeking fame or justification to be seen as god-like without entering the full embodiment of the god source to heal will remain in a lapse of time that continues a construct that remains in the looping cycle to further their service to their self.
All is well for which you choose, as it is yours to choose.
The earth changes continue as the zero point processing is almost completed for this current cycle. You may look forward in the moment and live for the day.
Your next month is seismic in the way of introspection deeper, and the rising of the christed essence will be activated profoundly in those individuals that choose to follow the lighted path of love.
Christos Sophia, or divine feminine and masculine christed essence, is you. Are you ready to come online and alive in the golden essence of all that you are?
We are happy to serve and bring forth this message as your events occur.”
~the Collective Perpetual Sacred Heart Team
(this is Keleena’s team of guides she has channeled and worked with her entire life. They have saved her life many times, and she continues to trust their presence as the I AM collective they so represent. Messages are directly quoted and not to be changed.)
Divine Love & Grace ~ Keleena Malnar
25 March 2023
©Keleena Malnar, All Rights Reserved