![Holding Complexity: US Presidential Election & the 4th Dimension Holding Complexity: US Presidential Election & the 4th Dimension](/uploads/news-pictures/5789-fairfax-blog-post-image-20240920173158.jpg)
by Darren Starwynn, O.M.D., Quantum Catalyst
Some words used to describe this year’s US Presidential election are “bizarre”, “a critical choice”, “crazy”, or as Vice Presidential candidate Tim Walz put it, “weird”. Have you ever wondered WHY it seems so wierd? This article offers a way to understand what we’re going through as a transit through dimensional states of consciousness.
There have been loads of people jumping on the polarization bandwagon around this and recent elections. Many of them are buying into the view that their candidate is the only hope of preventing a flood of evil from the other side destroying our country.
I saw a great bumper sticker on a car recently while doing errands. It said:
“You are entitled to your own opinion, but not to your own facts.”
This is right on because people on each side of the polarized divide generally only watch media offering alleged facts that reinforce their own viewpoints. It’s hard to even have a meaningful discussion when our opinions are based in different universes of reality!
To help sort this out, let’s now look at the dimensions we are moving through during this time of consciousness Ascension.
Our rational minds are based in the third dimension (3D) – the world of form, limitations and linear time. 3D is the basis for the rational part of us that wants reality to be logical and evidence based. This part of us is skeptical of magic and miracles. Our 3D-based minds may believe in a higher power, but can’t relate to actually being one with the universe.
3D is a vital part of human experience, yet when you get boxed into believing it is your whole reality you become a “muggle” as delightfully described in the Harry Potter stories.
The fifth dimension (5D) is a realm of oneness and pure love. 5D is actually very familiar to us, as we are already transiting in and out of it. Those who seek to open their heart and embody their higher Self are learning to live in the pure love of 5D more of the time.
To put it simply, if more people focused in 5D more of the time we would be able to solve all our personal and collective problems.
To understand what’s been getting in the way of that, and helping create our bizarre election years, look to the transition zone between 3D and 5D – the fourth dimension.
The fourth dimension (4D) is the realm of the supernatural, nature spirits, psychic phenomena, psychedelic experiences and much of what people experience as UFOs. 4D does vibrate on a higher level than 3D, yet is still polarity based. Therefore you can find high level spirit guides and angelic beings as well as parasitic or demonic beings in 4D.
You’ll tend to have strong feelings and emotions when swimming through 4D. These can be captivating, but be sure to keep grounding your feelings into your core of real love so you don’t get lost in them.
Because 4D acts as a bridge from divine source to our human self, it is a pathway through which higher inspirations and guidance can come to us. Many of the powerful ideas that have shifted mass consciousness such as the understanding of God within people, the computer revolution and Black Lives Matter have come to us through this bridge.
Yet because so many of us are open to such messages from our Higher Self, this bridge has been abused by power hungry people who want to control others. They do this through disseminating conspiracy theories and other disinformation campaigns through media. All this can be very confusing, since 4D is often a strange mixture of truth and deception.
Some higher level manipulators have learned to use advanced technologies to directly broadcast fear-based, deceptive messages through our shared consciousness field. This process is similar to the way software viruses spread by malevolent hackers can run through huge numbers of networks and computers. Just as disease epidemics can infect large numbers of people, so can these 4D manipulation programs help create fear and polarization-based political movements. And it is.
A way to cultivate wisdom and step out of polarized thinking is to be willing to hold complexity as a reality. The mind enraptured in 4D tends to see political candidates in polarized, black and white ways, and finds comfort in this. The truth is more complex, however.
I am practicing discernment in seeing our current Presidential candidates, rather than buying into the 4D polarization programs. Each of the candidates in this election stands for some strongly help feelings and projections of millions of people who follow them. Each of them represents some vital truths, yet mixed with half-truths or lies.
To make this more tangible, here are some examples of the dual nature of the major players in this election:
I believe Joe Biden has accomplished many great things as President that he doesn’t get enough credit for. Yet he has done or supported some policies I find reprehensible, including censorship and suppression of 3rd party candidates and alternative medical treatments during the pandemic as well as unconditional U.S. military support of the massacre of innocent Palestinians.
I’ll admit that I’m appalled by Donald Trump’s character (or lack of it) and his willingness to lie and subvert democratic institutions to cling to power. And a long string of more abuses and corruption. Allowing his backers to implement Project 2025 would be a major setback to hard-won advances in women’s rights, environmental protection and much more. Yet if he were re-elected it’s likely that the wars in Gaza and Ukraine, and other forever wars would be ended sooner than they would be under a Democratic President. He has also shown signs of challenging the control of Big Pharma and encouraging exploration of alternative methods for treating epidemic diseases. My personal belief is that it would be a disaster for Trump to get back into power, yet I am able to see some good in him as well.
I was really disappointed when Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. jumped on the Trump bandwagon. Yet I really like much of what he has stood for. He is one of the few leaders talking about the needless epidemic of chronic disease sapping the vitality of our nation, and truth telling about the ways the USA expansion of NATO has helped create the horrors happening in Ukraine. He has been an effective warrior for environmental protection, although it’s hard to reconcile that with his support of Trump, who would trash all of that.
Kamala Harris is a powerful leader who is in the right place at the right time. Her calls for women’s empowerment, and unifying so “we won’t go back” are timely and inspiring. I would love to see highly effective women like Kamala coming into top leadership roles. Yet when I heard her speech accepting the Democratic nomination I didn’t hear some things I really wanted to hear. She didn’t really speak to the real concerns of so many Americans who are disenchanted with our government. We still don’t really know where she stands on some vital issues, and how she would be as President.
It’s vital that each of us really look within ourselves rather than getting caught up in 4D mind manipulation. I believe it is each of our duties to listen to different perspectives of opinion, sharpen our discernment and vote our conscience and common sense.
When I cast my vote I’ll know I’ve made the best choice I can, yet don’t expect this person to be ideal, or the answer. The answer lies in myself, and each of us stepping into conscious leadership. Our society will heal from the scars of polarization as more of us awaken and empower ourselves. We do that by claiming our sovereignty and standing in the center of our own circle. Then, from this place help as many others as possible to awaken and empower themselves. This global movement of awakening consciousness is the ultimate answer to our “weird” divides.
Of the many things I loved about my father, one was the wry, wise statements he’d sometimes come up with. Here’s what he told me about democracy when I was a boy:
“Democracy is often corrupt, messy and frustrating, and rarely creates satisfying results. Yet it’s FAR better than the alternatives!”
I’d love to hear your thoughts about this subject. Please comment.
See in Darren's blog: https://drstarwynn.com/holding-complexity-the-us-presidential-election-and-the-fourth-dimension/