I dream of the day when the “right to choose” is honored world-wide as including the right to choose whether pharmaceutical products penetrate our body, or not.
I dream of the day when leaders in government, corporations, and the media consistently respect each individual’s health-related YES’s and NO’s, and actively foster a welcoming and inclusive culture in which ALL health-related choices are respected.
I dream of the day when timeless natural approaches to wellness—approaches that might not be able to be patented and marketed for commercial gain—are widely advertised and deeply valued for their rich benefits to community health.
I dream of the day when Western medicine embraces Eastern medicine, and when natural health is fully integrated into medical offices, clinics, hospitals, and insurance plans around the world.
I dream of the day when government health agencies, as well as global health organizations, are routinely led by a diverse panel of health practitioners, such as chiropractors, acupuncturists, massage therapists, naturopaths, and medical doctors.
“I dream of the day when health practitioners of all types join hands…”
– Galaxy Starborn
And I dream of the day when health practitioners of all types join hands in encouraging diverse approaches to wellness that respect each individual’s unique needs and personal sovereignty.
Last but not least, I dream of the day when all around the globe, vaxxed and unvaxxed study, work, play, and travel side by side.
Moving forward, the health of our society depends upon our willingness to rise above the pandemic of fear and division, to honor our common humanity, and to embrace our diversity as our strength.
Together, with the balm of mutual respect and Love, we can heal our hearts, our bodies, and our world.
By Galaxy Starborn