At a holistic fair where I was doing soul coaching several years ago, an attendee walked up to my booth, in between client sessions, and handed me a small, plastic purple bear with a red heart. “My business is spreading happiness,” he said warmly and walked away.
“My business is spreading happiness.”
I placed this special toy on the regal purple tablecloth of my booth. When I squeezed the bear, it squeaked, and purple lights started flashing. Rapt with child-like wonder, I laughed aloud and delighted in showing the bear to my next clients.
Earlier that day, several holistic practitioners had dropped by my booth and handed me their business card, as a networking strategy. Yet this mysterious gentleman who never introduced himself by name, but who gave me such an enchanting gift, stayed etched in my memory.
Whatever our calling in life, may we each remember that our true “business” on this planet—our deepest mission—is “spreading happiness.”
By Galaxy Starborn