For thousands of years many cultures around the world have used sound therapy as a tool for healing and improving physical and emotional health and well-being. The ancient Greeks used music to cure mental disorders, and throughout history sound has been used to help people work faster and boost morale.
Essentially, sound healing therapy works on two principles: One, that different emotions vibrate at different levels, and two, that blocked emotions are a main cause of disease and mental health problems.
Think about times when you’ve perhaps felt your life was “stuck” or in a rut. Haven’t we all experienced that at one time or another? What’s basically happening is the energy of the approximate 37.2 trillion cells in your body are stuck in a holding pattern of sorts. And since your body is one, big vibration machine that is composed of up to 75% water, all those cells are vibrating—but not cohesively, and not necessarily in unison with one another. This can lead to frustration, angst, and mental and physiological problems.
And that is where the natural healing power of sound therapy can help…
The science of sound therapy is based on the healing power of sound frequencies. For example, when you listen to music it has a frequency that corresponds—or perhaps doesn’t correspond—to your body’s natural frequency. If it corresponds, the music leaves you feeling happy and in a good frame of mind. If it doesn’t correspond, the music puts you in a dark and somber mood. Even when we make our own sounds, that is a form of sound therapy and therefore one of the ways to rebalance our frequencies and synchronize our minds, bodies, and spirits.
Our thoughts and feelings also have a frequency. In fact, Quantum mechanics has proven that in the subatomic world, everything is literally vibrating with life energy. The book you’re holding… …the desktop you’re working from…although seemingly solid, is actually trillions of atoms vibrating and giving the appearance of solidity. From this viewpoint, there really is no matter as we know it … there is only energy!
There are many instruments used in sound therapy. Some of the more popular ones I employ in my practice are:
Singing bowls: Long used by Buddhist monks, a singing bowl is a type of bell that vibrates and produces a rich, deep tone when played. Made of clear quartz crystal, they are known for promoting relaxation and offering powerful healing properties.
Copper bowls: Tones emitted from a copper bowl stimulates initiative and boosts one’s optimism and feeling of independence. It is also used for its healing properties and detoxification of the body. Copper is a natural conductor of compassion that will bring an expansion of your awareness of unconditional love and goodwill.
Tuning Forks: Tuning fork therapy provides a gentle, yet powerful means of treating the body and mind and restoring inner balance and health. It works in conjunction with the nervous system, the tissues, and the subtler body energies. Tuning fork therapy is deeply relaxing and can offer long-term benefits.
Voice: There is perhaps no sound healing tool more powerful than the human voice. Sometimes referred to as “vocal toning,” I use voice therapy in my practice by incorporating a crystal wand to a stone on your body in order to rebalance that certain spot. During this procedure I will hum or sing—or in some cases have you hum and sing—thus prompting the stones’ natural vibration which goes straight to the area of concern.
The seven major chakras of the body react to specific sound ranges much the way various keys on a piano elicit different tones and moods.
For example:
Crown Energy Center or chakra B
3rd Eye chakra A
Throat chakra G
Heart chakra F
Solar Plexus chakra E
Sacral chakra D
Root chakra C
Sound therapy is good for the brain as well and can help with things such as anxiety, sleep disorders, addictions, learning to better focus, ADHD and other imbalances.
Different brainwave frequencies as measured in Hz include:
Beta 14 – 30 Awake and ready to go
Alpha 9 – 13 Awake though sleepy
Theta 4 – 8 Meditation state
Delta Below 4 Sleep state
Gamma 30 and above Heightened perception
In Summary…
Sound therapy is a vast and interesting topic. The main thing to know is that it helps to reduce blockages or “stuck” parts of the mind, body, and energy fields. So, not only do you get to relax, you get to rid yourself of things that do not serve your highest purpose, which is something we could be striving for in many different ways.
About Me…
I am an Intuitive Energy Healer and provide Energy Workshops in Sedona, Arizona and Maui, Hawaii. I am the founder of Divine Love and Guidance and provide many services. I use many modalities in my work with one of them being Sound Healing with bowls, tuning forks, and voice. I am a certified in sound healing and crystal light therapy among many other fields of service.