Beyond belief, beyond thought and beyond time, each of our lives are connected to a deep, universal, intelligent language of the heart—the essence of love itself.
Like many women, I’ve endured a hodgepodge of stressors in this lifetime that, for a season, skewed my recollection of paradise. Through the pain of it all, when love seemed obscured, I had to dig deep within my soul to source a supernatural well of grace that gave me the power to forgive. Amidst the refiner’s fire, I began to perceive the depths of my life journey and its purpose beyond outer circumstances. I soon recognized the sublime, divine forces that have been present throughout my life, protecting and guiding me through my arduous heroine’s journey.
In recent times, as we have been navigating through conflicting information, hysteria and personal challenges as a result the COVID-19 narrative, many have experienced excruciating loss as well as ardent divisions over principalities—while others have tapped into greater levels of their innate, internal resources, combined with the life-giving resources in nature for redefining the way they do life.
Our reliance on the intelligence of nature has never been greater. We are faced with an imperative to heed the wisdom found in the whispers of trees, the morning songs of birds, the emerald blood of plants, the aromatic potion of flowers, and the roaring electrons of thunder and lightning...lest they be lost to our civilizations. Life in all forms is continuously and synergistically working together for our higher evolution. This is called Harmonic Resonance. As we synergize our own frequency in tandem with Mother Gaia’s life-giving energy, we begin to embody the Supernatural Love Medicine they contain.
The mystery of this potent feminine force, this fiery “shakti” energy, is our sacred gateway to the primordial vigor of the cosmos. It is the life force itself, the power of creation within us and the elixir of miracles. And it must be protected.
Safeguarding our feminine, shakti energy begins by modeling uncompromising self-respect. By upholding high personal standards, and a reverence for the sacred fire that gives us life, we naturally foster a communal respect wherein there is no room for dissention. As never before, we are called to bridge division in all areas of life, including the male-female divide. A supernatural form of love medicine is welling up within us to midwife the evolution of our sisters in their rise above self-deprivation and victimhood, as well as our brothers in their efforts to heal and prioritize sacred love above all ideologies. Men are on a path of redefining what it means to be true “gentle-men” without sacrificing their masculinity. As we model respect for one another’s life journey combined with a reverence for nature’s bounty and the sacred fire that fuses us together as one, we’ll surely, exponentially advance our collective evolution.
With each step forward, we are becoming fully realized, fully integrated contemporary women. I strongly believe we are meant to be sexy, edgy, and intelligent as well as beautiful and divine—now more than ever, within a safe pasture of enlightened community. Thankfully, these communities are on the rise.
Throughout many lifetimes, women have attained ancient secrets, natural remedies and sacred tenants by which to transform lives and midwife the magnificence of the human experience. It is a woman’s destiny—and responsibility—to become fully intuitive, and to confidently and unapologetically radiate her healing light for the betterment of all.
This evolutionary model has been shining through the cracks over the last several decades. The pendulum swings widely toward the rise of the woman and the feminine principle of compassion and cooperation within us all...and swings back to clean up the mess of history in order to restore balance.
Welcome Venetian love goddesses, Herculean warrior women, Athenian wisdom keepers and all those discovering the power of their goddess nature. It’s time to explore a new myth—a deep dive into the heart of love, rich in wisdom—and give birth to a new generation of pioneers, healers, and teachers of an awakening world. I dare you to dream your highest dream into reality, for in that dream you’ll find the codes of your own love medicine.
This article excerpt is taken from the Introduction of Christina Fior’s newest book: “SUPERNATURAL LOVE MEDICINE - Ignite Your Supreme Feminine Potential.” This, along with her book, “Self-Love - A Woman’s Book of Healing and Inspiration,” can be found at www.christinafior.com.
This article was originally published in Spirit of Sedona Magazine https://www.spiritofsedonamag.com/