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Vibrational Marketing Part 1: Why Even Good Marketing Strategies Don’t Always Work

Vibrational Marketing Part 1: Why Even Good Marketing Strategies Don’t Always Work

When you go to any typical marketing workshop these days, you will likely get some great strategic ideas, some cool templates, or some interesting blueprints you might even like to try.

But when you start trying to implement this stuff, does some of the glitter wear off and are you faced with your old feelings about marketing and how it doesn’t feel right to you?

Here’s the thing, whether these strategies work or not is not really based on the blueprint itself, but on how you feel using the blueprint. When you consider the Law of Attraction states, “like attracts like,” so if you feel yucky using that template, you will get yucky results. It’s all about your vibration.

Hey, I’m not saying there isn’t a good reason to feel yucky about some of these strategies folks in my industry use. There often is. But even when the template itself is good, what I’ve discovered, sometimes the hard way, is that when I try marketing ideas that don’t come from my heart, they don’t work. These same steps may work for other people, but unless I’m totally in vibrational alignment with what I’m doing, I don’t get the results I seek.

Abraham-Hicks explains it this way, “When it is asked, it is always given. Humans think they are asking with their words, or even with their action, and sometimes you are, but the Universe is not responding to your words or your action. The Universe is responding to your vibrational calling.”

This is why we want to create marketing that is in vibrational alignment with our core being, our soul, our essence as a human.

The key to determining your best Vibrational Marketing is how you feel about it.

That’s right, what determines your success is not how many millions that guru made for himself or his clients with that template…

It’s not how smart that sales-woman is and how many sales she made with that script…

It’s not how fast that coach got to six or seven figures using this blueprint…

Your success in any marketing activity is based primarily on how YOU FEEL when you do it!

It’s the opposite of what one marketing coach I hired said to a group of 200 students, “I don’t give a rat’s ass whether you like your logo, it’s about whether your client likes it.” When she said that I wanted to jump on stage, grab the microphone from her hand, and give a lesson on Law of Attraction. I wanted to say, “If you don’t like your logo, it’ won’t work for you.”

If you feel bad when you do it, don’t do it. Seek activities and attitudes that raise your vibration as you endeavor to attract new clients.

Do it now. Make a list of activities you LOVE to do, that bliss you out. Could be anything, like writing, or drawing, or going out dancing, or taking a cool self-development workshop. Exhaust yourself making your list, then choose something to do today that lifts your vibration, and even better if it exposes your genius a bit to some people who could help you build your tribe.

Till next time, go forth and attract, just by being YOU. Stay tuned to Part 2 where I reveal more steps on how to attract your Soul Tribe with Vibrational Marketing.

Love, Julia

Magical Marketer Julia D. Stege, helps spiritual business women and conscious entrepreneurs to clarify and express their purpose through branding and websites that attract their tribe and inspire a revolution. If you’re ready to start authentically attracting your perfect customers now, get Julia’s free Soul Tribe Attraction Plan at https://www.magical-marketing.com

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