Intro To The Seven Chakras
Chakra, derived from Sanskrit, translates to "spinning wheel." These are a series of seven energy centers situated along the spine. Each chakra is associated with a specific body area, a set of behavioral characteristics, and stages of spiritual development. Engaging in yoga and directing energy during various postures can aid in aligning the chakras, ensuring that all wheels spin in harmony in both direction and speed. Gaining insight into how to fine-tune and regulate your chakras through yoga and meditation can contribute to achieving balance and peace in your mind, body, and spirit.
There exist seven chakras, each linked to a distinct part of the body along the spine, spanning from the perineum to the crown of the head. Each chakra is affiliated with a specific body location, a color, a central emotional or behavioral issue, along with various personal aspects such as identity, goals, rights, and more.
The seven chakras are:
Muladhara- base of the spine
Svadhisthana- abdomen, genitals, lower back/hip
Manipura- solar plexus
Anahata- heart area
Vishuddha- throat
Ajna- brow
Sahasrara- top of head, cerebral cortex.
Yoga movements and postures provide a means to channel your concentration and energy to and from the different chakras in your body. This practice enables you to address areas that might be out of harmony or inactive. Balancing the energy across all seven chakras fosters a state of equilibrium.
This spiritual energy is referred to as Kundalini energy. When dormant, it can be envisioned as a coiled-up snake resting at the base of your spine, specifically in the Muladhara chakra. As the chakras serve as valves or pumps, overseeing the flow of energy throughout your system, intentional and controlled movements, such as those in yoga, can be highly advantageous in re-aligning your chakras. This realignment holds the potential for significant benefits to your physical and emotional well-being.