In late 2011 I learned Pranashakthi energy healing. I was already using energetic gifts with basic Reiki. Expanding into this modality was pressing for the sake of my father whose Cancer had just metastasized and required faster acting shifts. It was a huge blessing Pranashakthi found me.
The depth of this special healing is still beyond any I have witnessed which is why I decided to delve so deeply. I took this seriously in a light way and I was fascinated. Because my father was in Oregon I was able to try remote healing immediately. The knowledge was a reminder to my core, of who I really am. Discovering Pranshakthi was a homecoming to my authentic intuitive self. A year later I was initiated as a teacher because I am that.
Not everyone was ready to learn or could understand because it seemed esoteric to some at that time. I acquired and embodied the understanding rapidly because healing is my passion, because it works, but also because of my father’s situation. I found out that feeling and knowing are two aspects of psychic abilities that exist and that I am very naturally tuned into both of theses aspects.
What I love about Pranashakthi is that it allows for creativity and freedom. I have used this sacred energy daily and have taught many people all over the world. I have met amazing friends and helped countless people and animals. You always have your body with you so it is always easy to access if you need or want to help someone. I am constantly surprised by what can shift.
I see parallels between these creative processes of ceramics too. If fact I now I infuse my ceramics with healing and Pranashakthi is fired inside. When the wet clay molecules dry the pieces are fired and healing is set within. Mahataj started with birds I would make for people who were sad as a reminder of how precious life is. I call them bluebirds of happiness and they can go on and altar or be carried in a pocket.
I recently began to consider how I could assist people to grasp remote healing more deeply beyond my current methods. Once the class ends not everyone incorporates the distance techniques. Not everyone attracts people and animals who need healing like I tend to. I am a free spirit so remote healing comes naturally. I had no fear and also have strong faith. It seems that sometimes it really helps people to feel supported but they don’t want to be a burden so I had an idea.
Through using and developing Pranashakthi and through extensive trainings, I feel uniquely qualified to help people grasp what I bring through. I have been using it, teaching, receiving many advanced trainings; and have developed how to best allow for this energy to flow. It was the need to assist that created the motivation to delve deeply and quickly into a space of how to assist others!
I have just created a closed group so anyone who learns from me in any country can ask me to join once you have learned. I am providing this for people who are open to the assistance, who I ascertain are a good fit and are agreeable. Each student can at their leisure check in at any time to practice. I provide some people who need more extensive assistance that can use more help. Since I am familiar with the cases, I can offer guidance until the person remembers how to use their gifts which we have unfortunately been weened off through our culture.
So if I have taught you Pranashakthi in the past let me know if you want to be added to the group.
If you want to learn healing I can offer live classes in San Francisco my rates are on my web page. I teach four levels of Pranashakthi Mahavidya. I also teach level one Crystal Healing, as well as Level One Sri Vidya. I can also teach online.
If you gather enough fellow students and feel called to host me in your town I am available with enough notice as long as the deposit to covers my expenses.