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Remote Healing- a Personal Perspective

Remote Healing- a Personal Perspective

The modality of energy healing I work with is called Pranashakthi. I teach 4 levels of this extensive sacred knowledge as well as Sri Vidya and Crystals. I primarily work remotely meaning prior to this “stay at home” time. I sent remote healing everyday.

Pranashakthi shifts stubborn issues and effects change to the root of both the physical and mental realms. The way this works is that the modality it is infinite dimensional meaning if the issue exists in this vibration only it can be quite dense but when taken it to higher frequencies wellness becomes possible in a much freer and deeper way.

How does remote healing work? Connecting into divine and listening to guidance is how it works. I have been extensively trained. I am a cosmic woman at this point so it is like breathing to me but I will venture to explain in a concise way by going back to my roots. I am discussing Pranashakthi, specifically because this is the modality I work with. I have tried other healings. Not all healings access all dimensions. I resonate with Pranashakthi because it allows me to connect in a fluid way allowing for my creativity and intuition in an uplifted and bright way.

Everything is energy and we are not solid. We are a sum of the macro environment atoms, molecules etc all which have space meaning, not solid. All of which can be shifted. We are also spirit, etheric. We have a mind and we have a heart and we have bodies. The physical body is just one aspect. Our thought forms can enliven or tear us down. The company we keep is also a factor. For example verbal abuse. Even just solving an simple issue in peace as opposed to with aggression. Disease can come from negative thinking.

We are contained inside a body but how we effect our environment is not limited to being within. The miracle that is our bodies and the consciousness that exists within are a precise tool. Each person has specific gifts and interacts with their intuition through their dominate traits of perception. Mine is through feeling and knowing.

What we are capable of is much more than most people realize. We are equally present everywhere is a truth that may create comfort in this time of lockdown. For example you go to Maui for a vacation and swim with sea turtles. Now upon remembering this magical experience we are there again in our minds. It is similar to this. Instead of remembering we are connecting in telepathically. It is often easiest to connect in at first with people we know but as you practice there is no difference except for those we know we have a little more history so insight may be more accesable. It is the reason you know your friend is calling you before the phone rings. Some people know when someone is in trouble. I feel medical issues across the world as if I am there.

For me the way I relate to the process of healing remotely is I connect into my lineage and ask for guidance, I remain open to the feelings of the energy of the person I am assisting. I have tools to change and clear dense energies or imbalances and bring a high level of unconditional love. I listen to my inner guidance as well as the being and feel with my empathic abilities and with my feeling perspective usually my hands and body though that now includes my voice. Sometimes I will hear words sometimes I know. I can feel the energies of people not only their moods but very specific information like nerve pain, inflammation etc. From my years of helping people besides just feeling I have more knowing and some vision. These shifts can be done all the way down to the molecular level.

Trusting in intuition is an essential piece of how this works. perhaps that is why people call healing “faith healing” it takes faith to operate from knowing and feeling although that wording has a stigma normally.

I was not aware I was a healer until right before my dad had cancer that had metastasized. In order to assist him I jumped into learning and it is how I discovered Pranashakthi. The knowledge is already inside, training and specifics allow for this way of seeing and understanding to come back online. Having someone to guide the way is a quicker way to learn. It helps to learn from someone who is passionate about it.

You can attempt to teach yourself to snowboard or ski but you will be on your butt most of the day, and the trajectory of learning may not be as quick. You can teach yourself to throw but someone at the ceramic studio says you need to put force and hold your stillness to center instead of being gentle and without focus. My classes are stepping stones for embodying a forgotten operating system to authentic self. It is also a connection to an important and user friendly lineage.

I am attaching my testimonials to show how people and animals have benefited by the healing I bring through. Besides general healing I can clear space remotely, assist in mediating issues, helping to hold space and keep down inflammation during surgeries, offering support when for ascention when a loved one dies, removing psychic attack, helping with planetary imbalances, clearing physical and emotional issues. I can receive messages from my knowing on how to handle a situation and I know how to test how much energy exists towards certain decisions. I work with color therapy, agni hotra (Fire), sounds healing and other forms such as light language drawings. Many things I can assist with as well as animals. I have sessions available contact me on my webpage or message me and I will get back with you.

I know that many people are needing assistance right now so I am putting this out to see who needs assistance. If you have any questions please let me know.


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