Sex, creativity, music, art, family, love, beauty, and creative imagination are all part of the spiritual path in the tantric traditions. So, I think that for today that has a lot to say to us about not dividing ourselves from ourselves. - Surya Das
We know Sedona as a land of mystic wonders where folks come to be nourished by the ancient terrain of the Red Rocks while discovering new resources for personal transformation. The gathering of spiritual healers, artists, teachers and inventors within this intimate community is unlike any other place on earth. Visitors are forever changed by the warmth and kindness of Sedona’s generous spirit.
Yet, underneath the flowing goddess gowns, yoga wear, and hiking gear of our adventurous community, there remain tender human beings of various shapes and sizes occupied by vibrant personalities who all share common human needs. We desire to be loved, to be cherished and seen for who we truly are. And, as in every community, there remains a deep, emotional yearning to retain and express our juicy, youthful magic.
So what does it mean to be “Sexy in Sedona?”
“Sexy” and “Sedona” are two words that rarely come together in the same sentence. After all, Sedona is all about higher evolution. But rather than shy away from one of life’s most primal instincts, perhaps it’s time to redefine sexy, Sedona style. Our wonderous physical bodies are hosts to a vast galaxy of tactile senses, emotional expressions, and chemical ecosystems that in many ways have remained as untapped potential. Imagine our next phase of evolution as one of consciously using our chemical pleasure signals, in a non-invasive way, to give and receive new dimensions of love, making our lives even more delicious!
Love is a Multi-Faceted Communication Highway
There are many luscious and mysterious chemicals that become activated in the body when we fall in love. These chemicals create a magic potion of sorts that bypass the radar of our rational mind and create a timeless state of euphoria. When we’re in love, we look brighter, happier and palpably more youthful, and our creativity often soars.
Sexuality and creativity are intrinsically linked. They are laced as an ancient tenet of primal power and artistic expression, which is evidenced in every culture throughout history. In tantra tradition, men and women use their primal life force as a means of self-expression toward one another in a blissful exchange of pleasure chemicals in consort with the divine. As individuals, our juicy essence can flourish with expanded sensory awareness by using our sexuality in many wise and creative ways in the way we move, communicate, and express our being.
We can activate our own pleasure chemicals, whether we are falling in love with someone or not. Let’s first get to know these exotic potions:
Norepinephrine (or Noradrenalin) is a chemical that stimulates the neurons in our brain and activates our adrenaline, causing our heart to accelerate or ‘skip a beat’ as we call it, when we fall in love. Norepinephrine in the brain can heighten feelings of joy. It also can decrease appetite… which is why many people lose weight when struck by love.
Dopamine is a neurochemical that sends messages from the brain into the body. As a precursor to norepinephrine, dopamine activates our reward circuitry and the pleasure system of our brain, amplifying feelings of enjoyment. It motivates us and increases our social abilities. It also can induce the release other chemicals such as rest-inducing serotonin, and mood-elevating oxytocin, also known as the bonding chemicals, associated with nurturing and generous affection.
Phenylethylamine (PEA) is a modulator of norepinephrine and dopamine. As this chemical cocktail combines together, we feel the euphoric and the energizing chemistry of love. PEA, therefore, has a unique ability to enhance our innate sexuality, reverse aging and restore more youthful mental and physical functions. It is a research-proven mood brightener that can quickly lift the lows of depression, sadness, hopelessness and discouragement.
Pleasure Chemical Producers
Eye Contact: Yes, studies have shown that your body’s PEA is enhanced, simply by a loving gaze into the eyes of another. It is a dual PEA charge for you as well as your gazing counterpart. You can also gaze into your own eyes (via the mirror) to percolate PEA within you
Exercise, Sexercise and Breathe! Research has shown that depressed people show low levels of PEA which explains why exercise is a natural anti-depressant as it penetrates and oxygenates the brain barrier, causing a natural high. I can think of no better form of exercise than the sumptuous arousal of sex with a loving partner!
Enhance Your Dance: Not only is dance a creative form of exercise, it has the ability to activate your brain’s pleasure centers, enhancing dopamine and oxytocin. Dance can also kindle flirtation and eye contact which enjoyably activates the PEA chemical cocktail. So how about bringing in new and exciting forms dance to Sedona, from salsa to samba?
Cultivate your Creativity: Creative pursuits not only help focus the mind they are often likened to meditation due to their calming effects on the brain and body. The more we’re open to new experiences and approach all areas of our life creatively, the more pleasure we experience, thus increasing our dopamine levels. Conversely, the higher our dopamine levels, the more motivated we are to explore our creative forms of expression!
Consume Dark Chocolate: Dark chocolate is nature’s luscious superfood. It contains more than 500 natural chemical compounds, including the mood-elevating and pleasure-inducing PEA, which explains why love and chocolate have a deep correlation. It’s known to have one of the highest-antioxidant, ORAC factors of all foods. Its high magnesium content promotes relaxation, explaining why women often crave chocolate when stressed or hormonal. Experience the sheer magic of consuming raw cacao beans or chocolate bars with at least a 72% pure cacao content. Organic, fair-trade chocolate is best.
Consume a PEA Rich Diet: Protein-dense plant foods contain some of the richest sources of phenylalanine. Enrich your diet with blue-green algae, sprouted organic legumes, flaxseed, almonds, walnuts and tahini. Pink salmon, free range grain-fed eggs, sheep and goat milk and cheeses also contain PEA.
Smiling – Your Secret Superpower
Have you ever noticed how attractive and even magnetic people who regularly smile are? They can cause others to smile spontaneously as if they hold the grand secret to happiness. Smiling as a regular practice, holds alluring, multi-dimensional powers. Here’s why:
Neuropsychologia, an International Journal in Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience, published a study on the effects of someone viewing an attractive, smiling face. A person smiling toward another was found to activate the viewer’s orbitofrontal cortex, the region in the brain that processes sensory rewards.
This suggests that when we view a person smiling, we actually feel rewarded. So when we smile, we’re not only stimulating our own neurochemical cocktail, we have the gratification of positively affecting others and their self-worth. In fact, it’s sexy! These become the neurotransmitters in our brain that chemically influence our states of joy and pleasure.
Clearly, we’re better-looking when we smile. People treat us differently. We’re viewed as more attractive, more reliable, peaceful and sincere. Instead of waiting for circumstances to make us happy, we can create habits in our lives that intentionally produce a full neurochemical cocktail of dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, endorphins and PEA.
How do we begin the act of smiling beyond our comfort zone? We need to become unstuck. It begins by expressing our emotions in fun, playful ways which creates a cellular release of our stuck energy. As the emotions in our cells become freed, smiling becomes a natural form of self-expression.
Living Fluidly with Full Sensory Awareness
One of the most interesting phenomena our world’s population is caught in is “static” behavior that often stems from indifference. Within our technology-driven, smartphone-addicted lives, we’ve forgotten what it’s like to live as expressive, fluid beings who allow the tides of emotions within us to rise and fall.
It’s natural for all of life on Earth to dance with the cycles and gravitational pull of the moon, sun, and planets. Rather than deny our emotions and our passions, we can learn to employ exciting and unique new ways for embracing and expressing that which is within us. We can expand our sensory abilities by the way in which we positively and creatively respond to life events, sourced from our reservoir of love chemicals. We can communicate with loving eye contact and affirm our presence to one another. And why not add some play and humor along the way?
Our emotions become transformed then into powerful acts of co-creation with spirit as divine currency, leading to a more fluid and abundant life. So why not make our moments an artistic expression of our multi-dimensional self?
Activating your pleasure (or love) chemicals is an act of your own personal alchemy that will not only stimulate you but will make you wildly irresistible to others! You can actually fall in love with yourself while broadening your capacity to love others in a more meaningful way. Imagine what it would be like to have a continuous love affair with life!
Creating a Love Banquet
I remember visiting nearby Jerome in the mid-1970’s. One day, I took a walk by myself as I gazed at the aging hillside that had incrementally crumbled down over the decades. I beheld chipped dishes and colorful broken artifacts half-buried in the dirt that surely revealed a time and place where souls had lived artistically. It struck me just how precious life is, and how important it is to bring a quality of magic into everything we do. You never know when and how remnants of your life may, at some point in time, become discovered by others as a profound source of inspiration.
No sooner than I had this revelation, a smiling, robust woman with a bright apron called out to me from her flower-laden cottage, “Sweetheart, come on over! I’m making food and there’s plenty to share!” I hesitated. She said, “Come on, we’re all family here!”
A gorgeous cat stretched out over her pathway to the door. As I entered the house, I became enamored. The kitchen was filled with garlands of hanging flowers and herbs, and cabinets that displayed a colorful array of dishes. There were old-world candles burning on a rustic table, casting an exotic scent in the air, all the while aromatic herb-infused foods were being prepared. Doors and windows were wide open as the gentle breezes caressed a collection of exquisite glass chimes.
A most extraordinary gathering of people greeted me and lovingly gazed into my eyes with a timeless twinkle. I sat watching as they smiled and laughed amongst each other, sharing their world travels and mystical experiences. I was breathless by the artistry of the moment, reveling in the presence of a true love banquet that aroused a palate of pleasure chemicals within me like never before! It was sheer magic.
I did not experience anything quite like it again, until I began creating my own love banquets. As a divine love goddess, this woman unknowingly taught me how to create a beautiful palate of sensory experiences that would elevate my guests to a higher place.
Perhaps the next time you entertain, ask yourself, “What are the most delicious, inventive, and healthy concoctions I can prepare for my guests to take our vitality to the next level? What artistry of experiences can I create to enchant my guests with sensory magic that will inspire uplifting memories? Next, how can I design my life as a continuous love banquet in everything that I do? How can I truly be “Sexy in Sedona” and leave a legacy of creativity for others to discover and be inspired by?”
Written by Christina Fior: Editor of Spirit of Sedona Magazine
Christina Fior—Sedona-based transformation coach, author, and intuitive healer—has merged her 40-year professional backgrounds in preventative wellness and metaphysics into a dynamic lifestyle practice that optimizes personal potential. To learn more, visit www.christinafior.com.