Clairscentience is a form of intuition that utilizes feeling. Clair means clear, and sentience is to feel. It usually goes hand in hand with claircognizance, or clear knowing. I have both.
The beauty of this pairing of intuitional aspects is that it is that it accurate way to sense truth, love, and also to know when something is not right as well. The knowing aspect brings in more information. For example once I was running late for a wedding. All the way to the temple I was guided which lane to go into and I arrived 15 minutes early.
I am a medical intuitive for me to finely feel is a invaluable because it enables me to feel others subtle emotions, their vitality as well as stronger energetic aspects like inflammation, tumors, nerve pain. I can literally feel the energies but without taking on pain. Sometimes in the case of very deep depression I can feel that as if it were me. I have learned how to differentiate and not over identify. Through knowing am specifically guided in how to assist.
Sometimes I am guided to go somewhere and then I find someone I know or don’t know in a situation that requires my help. Once it was in a cab, another time in an elevator. Once I saw a flower on the sidewalk and my knowing instructed me to pick it up. As I boarded the underground I was again guided to give the flower to a young man. Despite that being strange as I was much older and a complete stranger. The man burst into tears of gratitude as he had been beaten up on the train several days prior. He did not want to ride the train but got up his courage so the flower I gave was the compassion and love he needed and was the guidance to him that all would be fine!
Often people who have this gift do not understand because they just assume that we are all wired the same which we are not.
Through Pranashakthi which is the modality I use I am able to operate the fine information in a precise way. I am grateful for my guru Sri Yogacharya Arun Kumar who was guided to me when I requested to the universe for something stronger than Reiki. I have learned so much and have embodied the wisdom.
Here are some of the ways I use this sensitivity.
- I can tell if someone is upset before an issue arrises
- I assist people remotely during surgeries to keep them calm and keep inflammation in check
- When I want to go to a lecture and I cannot decide which will be the best I hold my hand over the photo of both people and can sense their vibration
- I know a persons attributes upfront when I meet them
- I use this with every type of healing I do both remote and in person
- I can feel the vibrations of when a person has taken a photo of a sacred site or simply of high vibrations.
If you feel you have this gift the best way to develop it is to acknowledge and honor the truth of what you receive. At first the faith may not be there but the more you listen to what you feel and know the more accurate you become.
This entry was posted on November 16, 2019, https://carolwhitneyji.com/blog/page/3/