I am so grateful to be in my warm, dry space drinking a hot cup of tea, snuggling with my puppy, Rhea, and basking in the energy of love she exudes.
As I write this, it’s raining hard outside, my backyard is already flooded, and it doesn’t appear that the rain is going to stop any time soon.
For many, this kind of weather can be depressing, and while I can certainly understand those feelings, from my perspective, this is a great time for contemplation.
Like them or not, rainy days offer a great time to sit back, relax, and think about life in general, and their ambiance seems to inspire a feeling of peace and a sense of being connected to everything around us.
With that in mind, I want to ask you, how often do you allow yourself to be pulled out of your space of love, peace, and centeredness?
Hopefully, it’s not too often, but it’s important to ask yourself this question and be aware of the implications of your answer.
Whatever the case, if you want to learn how to release limiting beliefs and fears that are preventing you from fully embracing the energy of love and peace, then I hope you take the time to keep reading.
Because in this article, I’m going to explain the importance of releasing fears and limiting beliefs, and what you can do to release these negative influences, so you can stay more centered in the energy of love and peace.
How Do Fears and Limiting Beliefs Relate to the Energy of Love and Peace?
This world can indeed be a place of chaos, filled with disruptions and distractions that threaten to move you away from the energy of love and peace – should you allow them to do so.
For instance, people are often so heavily invested in their own emotions and beliefs that nothing else seems to matter to them. If they’re miserable, then they want you to be miserable, as well.
An example might be when a husband comes home after a challenging day at work and proceeds to yell at his wife, and the wife then, in turn, yells at her children or takes it out on a friend, and this just continues with no end in sight.
Another common scenario you may have experienced is when you’re in a really good mood but then a friend comes over, they decide to spew all their negative emotions onto you, and then, it takes you a day or two to get back to feeling like yourself again.
I know this is something I’ve experienced before, and I’ve found myself asking, “What just happened here? Why do I feel so yucky?” as I struggle to understand why I started feeling so terrible all of a sudden.
In these instances, often the problem is that your fears and limiting beliefs are preventing you from fully embracing the energy of love and peace, so you can’t anchor yourself deep enough in the core of love that exists within you, and this is what causes you to experience these wobbles in your field of energy.
What You Can Do About All of This
At this point, you’re probably wondering what you can do about this.
In my experience, you need to start by spending some time contemplating and then zero in on any beliefs or fears that are contributing to those yucky feelings.
Ask yourself what fears or beliefs you’re holding on to that could be keeping you from fully committing to living within the energy of love and making it so easy for someone else to disturb your peace.
Once you’ve figured this out, then you’ve got to do whatever you can to face these destructive fears or beliefs and release them for good. If you’re having difficulty with this, please feel free to book an appointment so I can help you.
Another step that’s just as important to take is to establish strong boundaries.
For example, at one point, I had a person in my life who would come over and project her anger into my home and onto me.
It got so bad that it would often take me the next day in bed to recuperate.
This continued to happen for a while, until finally, I had to tell her that I could no longer handle her constant negativity. I told her I was no longer willing to listen, and to my relief, she stopped the pattern.
Needless to say, my house and my nervous system are forever grateful.
Remember, you can only be responsible for yourself and your actions or reactions, and that’s why it’s important to begin this process by checking in with yourself.
When this sort of thing happens, something else you might want to ask yourself is, “Is this emotion I’m feeling mine, or is it someone else’s?”
If there’s ever a time when you find that the emotion isn’t yours, then please don’t embrace it as your own. Give it back to whoever transferred it to you with only love and compassion in your heart by simply refusing to take it on yourself.
On the other hand, if these kinds of emotions do turn out to be yours, then you’ll just have to deal with them yourself.
There are many different techniques you can use for this process, but whatever you choose to do, it will help you to develop your spiritual maturity, and I assure you your friends will appreciate your ability to come to terms with your issues and not project them onto them.
As always, if you need any assistance, please don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with me.
Love always,
Rose Marie Swanson