It is so nice to have a bit of a break from the heat.
It makes going outside easier for me while I am still in recovery mode.
At any rate, this is a time of wrapping up the business of the summer and a time to prepare for winter.
How wonderfully the Divine Creator made seasons for us to enjoy!
Speaking of wonderful things, I would like to introduce you to my newest family fur baby!
Her name is Rhea, and she was born on June 8, 2023. She is a Bichon Frisé and at the moment, she only weighs six pounds three ounces.
Currently, we are going through the joys of house training.
Don’t I remember saying somewhere, somehow, that I wasn’t going to do this again?
Oh well! She is so sweet-tempered and cuddly that I just can’t help myself!
On a different subject, everyone I spoke with this past week is dealing with stress or going through some type of trauma.
Whether it’s health-related, emotional, mental, or financial, they all say that at times, it can feel incredibly overwhelming.
With that in mind, I felt like I should offer some advice to help those who are feeling overwhelmed to change their perspective and learn how to deal with these feelings in a more positive way.
So, if you’re wondering how to deal with feeling overwhelmed, or you want to know what you can do to make dealing with stress easier, then I hope you take the time to keep reading.
How a Change in Perspective Can Make Dealing With Stress Easier
If you want to make dealing with stress easier, the first thing you should do is take a step back and breathe.
This is basically an exercise in changing your perspective, but be ready to catch yourself, as you might want to go into your old, comfortable ways of living, or destructive behaviors.
Do you overeat, drink, or have any other addictive habits?
And do you find yourself making excuses for not having accomplished what you wanted to have done by now?
If you ever find yourself making excuses like this, you should be very careful, because these kinds of reactions are not going to serve you. Instead, they’ll end up trapping you in the energies of being helpless and hopeless. In other words, a victim.
When this sort of thing happens, and you feel inclined to make excuses, please don’t go into the “it happened to me” or “they hurt me” mindset to justify projecting the responsibility for your situation onto others.
If you want to move beyond these destructive ideas, the idea of blaming and shaming should no longer be present in your energy field. It serves only the old way of being and will keep you stuck in your old paradigm of looping cycles of victimhood.
At the same time, although you should take responsibility for yourself, this doesn’t mean you should blame yourself. Because if someone else did hurt you, it’s not you who did anything wrong.
But still, blaming the transgressions of others for your behavior is not going to be of any benefit, and it will only worsen your problems, and make dealing with stress more difficult, so it’s important to avoid getting caught in this way of thinking.
Speaking of thoughts, there are so many different perspectives we can choose to take, and ways of thinking about things that pertain to our lives.
For example, some of us choose to believe that life is predetermined and that we have no free will, while others think that there are many different paths we can take, and we have the free will to choose any one of these paths using our own wisdom.
So, what is real? And what is truth?
More importantly, what do you want to be real? And what is your truth?
In any case, as we evolve, our beliefs evolve, and our perspectives can evolve, as well.
As a result, what was true for me 10 years ago is no longer true for me today. And you can probably say the same.
Remember that our brains have not developed enough, or should I say expanded enough, to always be at a point of enlightenment or higher understanding.
For most of us, our understanding of what’s going on in the world around us is based on whatever we’ve chosen as truth for ourselves and the perspectives we choose to take.
This is why it’s so important to strive every day to grow, continue to learn, and continue to stretch ourselves spiritually.
Life is a continuous process of stepping up to the next level and an amazing opportunity for personal exploration. Part of that process is coming to the understanding that we have a choice as to how we perceive what takes place in our lives and what we believe is true.
We can choose to live with virtues like respect, honor, compassion, and personal responsibility, or we can choose to be trapped in the forever looping cycles of the past.
My grandmother taught me a great deal about this just by the example she set. Throughout my entire life, she never spoke a bad word about anyone.
How does one accomplish that? Don’t take things personally.
You see, there’s no way of knowing another person’s back story completely, or what’s going on with them in the present moment.
But if you want to live by the virtues I described above, and make dealing with stress easier, you’ve got to be willing to understand where other people are coming from and remember that you don’t know everything.
Regardless of who you are or what you’re dealing with, this perspective can be incredibly empowering.
That being said, we all have behaviors that could be considered rude or offensive, which most often stem from something deep inside of ourselves.
But the truth is, I have just as much of a right to be laid back and quiet as my friend does to be loud and aggressively energetic. Neither is good or bad. We are simply different.
With that in mind, the way we react to other people’s behavior says a lot more about us than it does about them.
So, when challenges surface in your life, whether they’re health-related, emotional, mental, financial, or something else altogether, remember that life becomes easier with the understanding that there is something to be revealed.
And all of this becomes easier to do for others when we do it for ourselves first.
That being said, when you’re dealing with struggles in your life and feeling overwhelmed, try to go beyond the surface of what you’re experiencing to find out what is really happening.
Then, once you’re able to do that, you can extend that courtesy to those around you.
And I think you’ll find that being loving and compassionate with yourself and others makes for a much more enjoyable and less overwhelming life.
This reminds me of a song from my childhood that we sang in the school choir. It’s called “You’ll Never Walk Alone.” Andrea Bocelli has a nice recording of it.
At any rate, if you want to create a more pleasant and stress-free life, it is time for you to stop being a victim and move beyond just surviving. It is time to begin stepping into the Golden Age.
And if there's anything I can help you with, please don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with me.
Much love to all,
Rose Marie Swanson