Gosh, it’s hard to believe that it’s April already! Where did the first three months go?
My dog, Rhea, is now nine months old! She’s been a bundle of joy for me and such a love in my life.
At any rate, The Masters of the Akashic Records want us to go deeper into the topic of self-responsibility, so this is a follow-up to last month’s article, where I started to discuss how to take responsibility for yourself.
In this context, if we break down the term self-responsibility, from my perspective, it refers to not just taking responsibility for yourself, but also lovingly responding to yourself.
As I discussed in last month’s article, this alludes to the fact that, ultimately, you can only be responsible for yourself and your actions or reactions, and you can’t expect anyone else to do this for you.
At the same time, you can’t expect people to read your mind.
And that means you have to take responsibility, not just for your actions toward others, but also for how you treat yourself and allow yourself to be treated, which means you have to set boundaries, ensure that those around you are aware of them, and deal with those who violate them accordingly.
With that in mind, if you’re having trouble accepting responsibility for your actions, and you want to start taking responsibility for yourself, then hopefully you keep reading.
Because in this article, I’m going to explore some of the benefits of taking ownership of your actions and explain what you can do to take responsibility for yourself.
What You Need to Know to Take Responsibility for Yourself
Wayne Dyer was right when he said, “You get treated in life the way you teach people to treat you.”
But what exactly does this mean?
Well, if you want to take responsibility for yourself, aside from just telling people how you want to be treated, it’s important to set an example, as people can also pick up on the way you treat yourself and end up modeling that behavior, as they think if you’re doing it, it must be okay for them to do it.
For instance, if you tend to think negative thoughts about yourself, others will probably pick up on that based on your actions, appearance, and demeanor.
Like it or not, how you feel about yourself is seen in the way you hold your body, the way you clothe yourself, the look in your eyes, the way you speak, and the way you carry yourself.
At the end of the day, all these things point to what’s going on with you in a way that can be energetically communicated to others.
Truth be told, there is a direct correlation between how you treat yourself and how others treat you.
That being said, if you want to change how you’re treated, then you should start by becoming aware of how you treat yourself and changing that behavior if necessary.
Luckily, there’s no iffiness about this, and if you ask yourself the right questions, and be honest about your answers, it’s actually pretty straightforward.
Do you take pride in your physical appearance? Do you stand up straight? Do you always have a smile on your face that lights up your eyes? Or do you slump and shuffle your feet when you walk?
Asking these kinds of questions will help you understand how others perceive you and will help you to change the way you act, if need be, and in turn, teach others how to act around you.
In addition to these questions, you should ask yourself, “How comfortable am I in my own body?”
If you aren’t, I hope you love yourself enough to do something about it, whether that’s working to change how your body looks, or simply accepting it for what it is.
And if you find yourself making excuses about this or anything else you want to change, then you’ve got to get to the bottom of it.
Start by asking yourself, “What are the reasons behind these excuses?”
Once you’ve figured that out, then you’ll be able to put a stop to them once and for all and move forward with whatever it is you want to do.
In any case, self-responsibility takes hard work, focus, motivation, and love, and you should know that it will take time for you to contemplate all of this and understand what needs to be done.
But if you’re serious about taking responsibility for yourself, don’t get overwhelmed.
Start by taking the most pressing area of conflict within yourself, thinking about what is behind this issue, and digging until you get to the core of it.
In most cases, forgiveness will be the best first step to take, and you may need to forgive other people, yourself, or both.
You should also consider the benefits, or lack thereof, of holding on to the issues you’re dealing with. More than likely, this will show you that it’s not worth it for you to continue with what you’re doing.
Once you’ve done all of this introspection, you should know what you need to do.
I know this may seem very overwhelming, but you can take solace in the fact that when you’re highly motivated to change, it will become easier for you to release whatever issues you’re facing.
So, aside from just asking yourself questions, and trying to get to the bottom of your issues, you should also spend time thinking about what will motivate you.
Whatever it is, try to find something that can push you forward in your life, like setting a goal or choosing to live differently.
At any rate, if you make a point of asking yourself these questions, and doing this kind of introspection, there will come a time when you will have honed your skills of awareness to the point where you will be able to see the moment when a negative issue begins to develop.
This will put you in a clear, simple space of choice, where you can ask yourself, “Do I want to stay in this conflict or choose to move into love?”
When you do this often enough, it becomes a habit, and the simple act of choosing love will become automatic in your life.
Once this is done, you will find that life flows for you instead of against you.
As always, I hold much love for you all, and it’s my purpose in life to assist you in creating the life of your choosing.
If you ever feel like you need help, please feel free to book an appointment. I am here for you.
Love always,
Rose Marie Swanson