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Why August Is a Great Time to Manifest Your Dreams

Why August Is a Great Time to Manifest Your Dreams

August is such a glorious month, and to many of us, it’s the month of manifesting our dreams.

At this moment, I am sitting here experiencing so much expansion, and it feels as if the world is excited for us all.

Last month, many of us began the process of getting clear as to what it is we truly want to manifest in our lives.

That being said, it’s very easy to say you want love, or a relationship, or more money, or more freedom. But is that really what you want?

Truth be told, what we say we want, or even think we want, isn’t necessarily what our heart and soul are yearning for.

With that in mind, I wanted to offer some advice on how to manifest your dreams, and some guidance for those who might not be sure of what they want to manifest in their lives, so you can discover what you truly desire, and hopefully, be much happier as a result.

So, if you’re not quite sure how to manifest your dreams, or you’re not even sure what it is you’re looking to manifest, then you’re definitely going to want to keep reading.

Because in this article, I’m going to explain why August is the best month to manifest your dreams, and offer some advice on how you can manifest those dreams, or do the work that’s required to figure out what exactly those dreams are.


Why Is August the Month to Manifest Your Dreams?

No matter what you desire, or what dreams you’re looking to manifest, now is the time to be prepared! It is time to go into your heart and discover the truth of what you want.

But depending on how much you know about astrology, you might be wondering why I’m saying that, so let me explain.

The Lion’s Gate portal, or Lion’s Gate energy portal, is a celestial event that occurs each year around August 8th when the star Sirius aligns with the Earth and the Sun.

This alignment is said to create a powerful influx of energy that can be felt spiritually and energetically.

The term Lion’s Gate is derived from the fact that the Sun is in the astrological sign of Leo during this alignment.

The energy provided by the Lion’s Gate portal is known to inspire heightened spiritual awareness, transformation, and energetic shifts, which makes this event a potent time for spiritual growth, self-discovery, and setting intentions for the future.

During this alignment, it is thought that the energy from the star Sirius, which is considered to be a highly evolved and spiritually significant star system, streams toward Earth. This influx of energy is believed to enhance our intuition, raise consciousness, and activate our spiritual DNA.

This boost of energy, and all the benefits it brings, make this event a great time to meditate, engage in spiritual practices, and connect with higher realms of consciousness.

That being said, it is also a promising time for releasing old patterns, healing, manifesting your dreams, and even doing some introspection to figure out what those dreams actually are.

At this point, you’re probably wondering how you can go about doing that.

It may sound complicated, but the truth is, it’s actually easier than you might think.


How to Discover What You Truly Want to Manifest in Your Life

manifest your dreams

When you think you know what you want, go ahead and write it down on paper.

Then ask yourself, “What is behind what I think I want?” or “What is the feeling that I really want to experience here?”

If need be, you should continue asking yourself these types of questions until there is no deeper answer coming forth for you. Here are some examples of what to ask yourself if you want to draw this stuff out:

  • What brings me joy and fulfillment?
  • What are my core values and beliefs?
  • What do I envy or admire in others?
  • How do I want to contribute to the world?
  • What are my strengths and talents?
  • What are my long-term goals and aspirations?
  • What do I feel unsatisfied about in my current life?
  • If I could have one wish come true, what would it be?
  • If I could rid myself of all fear and insecurity, how would my life be different?
  • If money and other external factors were not a concern, what would I choose to do with my life?


As you answer these questions, you may end up thinking something like, “I want more money.”

But is that really what you want? Probably not.

You might think that more money will resolve your situation, but will it?

I mean, maybe you’re thinking that if you have more money, you could pay off your credit cards. And then, after that, you might have enough money to repair your house, or do whatever else it is you need to do that requires money.

Then, once that’s taken care of, you might realize that you can finally stop feeling stressed out about money, begin to relax, and have the time and energy to focus on the joys of your family and expanding your relationships with loved ones.

And once you’ve taken it this far, you’ll understand that what you really want is to be able to enjoy the ease and grace of loving personal relationships!

As you can see, in this scenario, money may have been a means to an end, but what you really wanted was something entirely different, and much more meaningful.


How to Start the Process of Manifesting Your Dreams

manifesting your dreams

Now that you’ve discovered your core dream, you need to explore all of the feelings associated with it, as this will create greater understanding and alignment with what it is you truly desire in your life.

Next, come up with a short positive statement regarding your dreams. Based on the example I offered above, this might be something like, “I am embracing loving relationships,” or “I am embodying loving relationships.”

Whatever words you choose to say, just make sure that they’re your own.

Then, when you are in complete alignment with your dreams energetically, you will be much more ready to receive them, and when you do manifest your dreams, things will happen in a way that is even better than anything you could ever imagine.

I’ve experienced this for myself, and I truly believe that part of the reason for that is that I always follow these practices, and I make a point of asking for what is in my highest timeline.

If you’re not quite sure what that means, the term highest timeline refers to the idea that there may be an optimal or most favorable path for you to follow in your life’s journey, which suggests that each person has a unique path or destiny that aligns with their highest potential and soul’s purpose.

So, when we talk about asking for, finding, or aligning with your highest timeline, it means making decisions, setting intentions, and taking actions that resonate with your inner truth, values, and soul’s calling. This involves doing things like following your passions, cultivating self-awareness, practicing self-love, and living with purpose and intention.

At any rate, the final part of this process is to be grateful for all the blessings you already have, and then open yourself up to what you’re about to receive.

It might take some time, but if you do the work that’s required to actually manifest your dreams, you may be set to receive more than you’ve ever dreamed of.

However, oftentimes, there are glass ceilings and other blockages we hold within our energy field that can stop the creative flow within us and interfere with our ability to bring ourselves into alignment with what we want to manifest.

If you’re interested in further exploration of your own life and how to bring yourself into alignment with your highest timeline, please reach out and schedule an appointment with me.

Love and Living Light,

Rose Marie Swanson

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