Have you ever heard the old adage that says thoughts are things, and they create your life?
I’ve heard a ton of people talk about thoughts in this way, but this is true only at a certain level of living.
With that in mind, did you know you can go beyond this way of thinking and attain even higher levels of living?
What do I mean by this? Well, if you choose to stay at the level of thinking where you believe thoughts are things, and they create your life, it can become very limiting.
However, this is a level that many of us must go through in order to obtain an even greater experience of existence.
On a related note, the words that were given to me this morning from the Masters of the Akashic Records were, “Cleanliness of the mind is a gateway to ascension.”
That being said, if you want to move up to another level that is even more freeing, then you must achieve a certain level of thought cleanliness. This journey is preparing you for your light body to be embodied and activated.
Are you interested in taking this journey with me?
The Journey to Activate Your Light Body
If you want to develop your awareness of your light body, you must reach a certain level when it comes to cleanliness of mind.
This will allow you to be able to create a bridge to obtain the higher frequencies of the light body in the quantum field, which deals with the invisible world of high-frequency energies.
It is an evolving process that is to be taken one step at a time, and it involves being compassionate and loving with yourself and accomplishing this with ease and grace.
Let us look at this process from where you stand in the present moment.
Take a minute to stop and feel what it creates inside of you when you are thinking negative thoughts.
Does it make you feel good? Bad? Driven? Sad? Is vengeance sweet?
It is only in detaching from this negative mentality and choosing to change that the process I write about here can begin.
In other words, if it doesn’t feel good within your beingness, then you can decide not to continue.
YOU are making this change for YOU. It doesn’t matter about the other person or thing that is in your thoughts. It is all about you!
That being said, please stop choosing to live at the level of victim energies. This is what I like to call singing the “They have done me wrong” song.
This kind of victimhood mentality can be incredibly destructive and will end up working against you.
Because at the end of the day, who do you want to be in charge of your life? You or them?
I have to laugh as I remember my deceased husband asking me, “Who the hell are they?”
With that in mind, if you want to continue this process, then start by asking yourself these questions:
Who do I want to be in charge of my life?
And who do I want to be the overseer or guide of my life? Me or them?
These are important questions to ask yourself, but this exercise will be most beneficial if you’re serious as to what your answers are and truthful with yourself.
Whatever answers you come up with, it takes courage to make changes, and it can be really difficult to actually follow through with making those changes.
But do you want to be courageous in your life? Or are you going to continue to allow the winds of others to blow you around like a leaf falling from a tree?
If you need support to make changes, then please reach out to me or someone else.
I am here for you and it’s my life’s purpose to help others. I love nothing more than to support people who want to make these kinds of changes in their lives.
Now, if you’re really serious about making these changes, you’ve got to understand and accept that as you make these changes in your life, there will be those who won’t like it.
But remember, that is their problem, not yours, and this is where allowing others to play their own characters in their own plays is very important.
The reality is there are people who come into this lifetime to play roles that don’t align with your life. But instead of fighting them, you will find that it’s much easier to simply not get involved with them.
At this point, you might be asking, “But what if they’re family?”
Unfortunately, you may have to limit your time with them, if need be, but you should always be as loving as you possibly can when you’re around them.
Oftentimes, you might find yourself stuck on a hamster wheel in your head reminiscing about situations that you’ve perceived as wrongdoings, perhaps in relation to family.
A dear friend of mine gave me a great process for dealing with this sort of thing.
With the perceived wrongdoing in your mind, take your finger and write in the air in front of you as if you are writing THE END on a page in an invisible book.
Then, take your hands and close the book that you wrote it in. Next, throw the book away from you, or lock it in a container that can never be opened again.
This can be incredibly freeing and help you overcome the thinking patterns that keep you stuck on that hamster wheel.
Retraining the Ego and Letting Go of the Past
If you’re serious about embarking on the journey I’m describing, you’re going to have to learn to let go of the past.
The ego must be retrained to be in the present moment instead of continuously pulling from past wounds. Allowing yourself and your ego to only look forward keeps you from causing yourself to trip and fall flat on your face. Ouch!
If you take some time to think about what I’m saying here, you’ll probably realize that this is something you’re doing to yourself.
Because regardless of what happened to you in the past, nobody else is making you look backward. It is a choice you have made.
In this moment, a memory of my grandmother, Nanny, comes to mind.
In all of the years that I knew her, I can never remember hearing Nanny say one bad word about anyone.
Even when everyone else in the family was raging about someone, she would not! It was her gentle and powerfully firm stance that would create the energy that made everyone else stop their shredding of another person.
I always felt that due to her choosing to live her life in this manner she had greater peace and contentment held within. The depth of her belief and her way of living were so strong that no one ever challenged her in anything she said, and no one ever bullied her for it.
She simply commanded respect for her choices, and I grew up wanting to be able to do that, too.
After all, if she could do it, why can’t we all do it, too?
In any case, once you’ve accomplished a certain level of cleanliness of the mind, you will begin to be able to see beyond that and into the quantum realms and attain the kind of freedom that is accomplished by the embodiment and activation of your light body.
Remember, this journey has all been about preparing yourself to embody and activate your light body.
This isn’t about distancing yourself from others. It is about your own growth and the cultivation of your spiritual evolution.
As this occurs, you will start to detach from the illusions of this life and begin to focus on high-frequency beingness.
Again, it takes time, and it is quite a process, but it is very doable, and it will lead you into being part of the Golden Age.
I am confident that you will be able to take this journey, so enjoy the ride and watch the miracles begin to flow into your life!
And if there is ever anything I can do to assist you, please don't hesitate to book an appointment.
Love to you,
Rose Marie Swanson